Animal Companions
In Wake of Dogs’ Deaths, PETA Offers Fire Alert Stickers to Area Residents

Update: After a dog died in a Detroit house fire on Wednesday, PETA is extending our offer of free emergency stickers to 1,000 Detroit-area residents.  The following was originally posted on February 12, 2013: Following the deaths of two dogs in a recent fire in Cleveland, PETA is offering free “Please Save Our Animals” stickers to … Read more »

Animal Companions
Dogs and Cats Rescued After BP Disaster: Where Are They Now?

As the BP oil-spill civil case unfolds in New Orleans, we thought this would be a good time to update you on some of the companion animals PETA rescued as people fled the region in the wake of the catastrophe.  Disasters such as the one in the Gulf flood animal shelters with dogs and cats whose … Read more »

Animal Companions
Jenna Dewan-Tatum Speaks Up for Global Captive Breeders Victims

Actor and PETA pal Jenna Dewan-Tatum has added her name to those of the tens of thousands of compassionate people calling on Riverside County, California, District Attorney Paul Zellerbach to file felony cruelty charges against those responsible for the horrific neglect of animals at Global Captive Breeders, LLC (GCB). © Following PETA’s undercover investigation of Lake … Read more »

Animal Companions
Goodbye, Our Little Rock Star—We Still Love You So

It breaks our hearts to report the passing of Roxie “Rock Star” Patterson, a little wiggly slip of a dog with an exuberant personality as big as a 20,000-seat stadium. Roxie was rescued 11 years ago by PETA cruelty caseworkers after one of the other dogs in her home killed the family’s cat and started … Read more »

Animal Companions
It Takes a Village to Save a Cat Trapped in a Tree

Pelusa’s guardian was frantic. The little cat had darted up a tree in Patillas, Puerto Rico, after being frightened by dogs and had been trapped there for nearly a week. Because the young cat was so high up—about 35 feet—her guardian couldn’t get her down on her own. The cat was clearly too scared to … Read more »

Animal Companions
Dog Loses Eye but Sees Better Life

The little dachshund was allowed to roam, and that’s what he was doing when he probably got attacked by another dog, sustaining an eye injury that became painfully abscessed and swollen. Untreated, Slim’s infected eye bulged grotesquely out of its socket. When PETA learned about Slim, we pressured local animal control officials to compel the … Read more »

Animal Companions
Seedy Dog Dealer Behind Bars

It’s fitting that a man who sold dogs to laboratories may end up behind bars himself. A federal court sentenced Floyd Martin to a year in prison after he and his wife, Susan, illegally purchased hundreds of dogs and sold them to laboratories. Susan Martin was convicted of conspiracy and received probation. The couple was … Read more »

Animal Companions
Westminster Is Over—but Its Legacy Is Just Beginning

The pomp and pageantry of the Westminster dog show is over. Many of the dogs have been shipped back to their breeders after living in their handlers’ crates for years. Now, the females will be forced to bear litter after litter of puppies, only to have them all taken away to be sold. Every year following … Read more »

Animal Companions
Iditarod: Life off the Trail Also Hellish for Dogs

The 2013 Iditarod dogsled race is approaching, and it has been preceded by a string of canine deaths in other races, illustrating yet again why PETA works to stop this miserable “sport,” which can be grueling and even deadly for the animals forced to pull heavy loads over long distances at high speeds, often in extreme … Read more »

Animal Companions
PETA Celebrates Spay Day in a Big Way

Today is World Spay Day, which people celebrate by leafleting, assisting at low-cost spay-and-neuter clinics, and doing their part to combat the animal-homelessness crisis. Of course, for PETA’s Mobile Clinics Division, every day is Spay Day. The clinics travel to underserved areas surrounding PETA’s Norfolk, Virginia, headquarters seven days a week to provide low-cost spay and … Read more »

Animal Companions
Hunter Ditches Dog but Wants Collar Back

Two PETA staffers were delivering straw bedding to cold “outdoor dogs” in rural Virginia when they spotted a thin young beagle dangerously close to the highway.

Animal Companions
First Dog Barney Bush Commemorated on PETA’s Tree of Life

From Abigail Adams’ dogs, Juno and Satan, to Bo Obama, the animal companions who live at the White House become such a part of our country’s collective culture (there is even a Presidential Pet Museum!) that everyone, regardless of political affiliation, mourns their passing. When we heard that President George W. Bush’s dog Barney, famous … Read more »

Animal Companions
Meet ‘The Straw Boss’: She’s Helpin’ Dogs and Takin’ Names

How did you celebrate your last birthday? Did you have dinner at a nice restaurant? Take in a ballgame? Go to your friend’s house for a surprise party? PETA Foundation staffer Kendall Bryant—aka “The Straw Boss”—would have none of that. She spent her birthday delivering straw bedding to cold dogs in North Carolina with her accomplice … Read more »

Animal Companions
Wanda Sykes: Chaining Dogs Is No Joke

Wanda Sykes—one of the funniest people on the planet, in my opinion—has taken on a very unfunny issue: dogs left chained up outside. Like fellow Southeastern Virginia native and comedian Patton Oswalt, Wanda has sent letters on PETA’s behalf to Newport News and Suffolk city officials, urging them to pass legislation against continuous tethering similar … Read more »

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Animal Companions
How Many Dogs Will Be Abandoned After Westminster This Year?

When Banana Joe was announced as this year’s Westminster winner, his handler, Ernesto Lara, was given a silver bowl. But perhaps he should have been handed a silver shovel so that he could help bury all the dogs in animal shelters who lost their chance at a home, thanks to the greedy breeders and cruel puppy mill … Read more »

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