Animal Companions
Jail for Man Who Starved Dog for Months

A routine trip by PETA volunteers to deliver straw bedding to “outdoor dogs” in Newport News, Virginia, uncovered a horrifying secret: a female pit bull lying dead in a backyard. Someone had removed her chain, which meant that the person knew that she was dead, but left her body in full view of the two surviving … Read more »

Animal Companions
You’ll Never Guess What Was in the Cardboard Box

When a woman driving along a muddy rural Virginia road stopped at an intersection, she spotted a soggy, disintegrating cardboard box sitting on the shoulder. Curious, she got out to investigate. Imagine her surprise when she opened the box and saw nine pairs of eyes staring back at her. She called animal control officers to … Read more »

Animal Companions
Emma Roberts and Evan Peters Adopt a Dog

It’s a girl for Emma Roberts and Evan Peters! After the couple adopted a beautiful dog named Audrey Hepburn, PETA sent the trio a basket filled with toys, treats, and our “Always Root for the Underdog” tees. | cc by 2.0 In other celeb news, Alicia Silverstone wants to see animal abusers pay. So when she learned … Read more »

Animal Companions
An Adoption That Was Meant to ‘Bea’

Remember Bea, the extremely cute dog we told you about last month? After we featured her on this blog and on our Facebook page, a kind woman spotted her irresistible mug and, well, couldn’t resist it. But what really sealed the deal was the fact that Bea was the woman’s grandmother’s name, so she figured … Read more »

Animal Companions
Man Who Chained Dog in Garage Barred From Owning Animals

For at least three long years, Nigel’s “home” was a dark, waste-filled, and dank garage in Hampton, Virginia. Chained to a wall, the dog was never let out of the garage—ever—and was forced to live amid his own urine and feces. The chain had become rusty and corroded after years of being dragged through his … Read more »

Animal Companions
Kids Put the ‘Rad’ in Colorado

Accompanied by his own former “shelter dog”, Sky, Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper signed a bill into law last week naming animals adopted from shelters Colorado’s official “state pet.” Colorado is the first state to distinguish—and promote the adoption of—animals from shelters in this way. The law was spearheaded by students at Peakview School in Walsenburg and … Read more »

Animal Companions
Canine Murder Mystery on the James River

It was a horrifying sight. The dog’s bloated body was spotted off a pier behind a Newport News, Virginia, boatyard. The young black-and-white female pit bull had apparently drowned, as indicated by her clenched teeth and protruding tongue. But most chilling was that she likely hadn’t wound up in the water by accident: Tied to her red-and-black … Read more »

Animal Companions
It Takes a Village: N.J. Residents Pull Together to Save Dog

For a dog, being forced to spend every night alone in the dark, locked inside a grimy auto-repair shop, would be bad enough. But Coco’s situation was far worse. The tiny poodle was also almost constantly confined to a crate that was so full of dust, dirt, and feces that anyone looking at her would … Read more »

Animal Companions
‘Maxim’ Names Animal Friend Miley Cyrus the Hottest Woman in the World

We think animals would agree with Maxim readers’ choice for the top spot on the “Hot 100” list of the sexiest women in the world. Besides being a model guardian for her rescued dogs and a staunch adoption advocate, Miley Cyrus has worked to get horses who are forced to pull carriages off New York … Read more »

Animal Companions
If You Give a Puppy an Office Chair …

When a PETA staffer left her desk for a few minutes, she returned to find that the sweetest case of theft ever had occurred. The culprit was Franco, a 7-week-old puppy who is greatly increasing the office’s cuteness quotient while he awaits his forever home. When Franco was first surrendered to PETA, we feared that … Read more »

Animal Companions
PETA Pushes for Females to Start Birth Control Before Age 15

The Food and Drug Administration just lowered the age at which girls can get the Plan B oral contraceptive without a prescription to 15. Critics argue that that’s too young, but PETA insists that birth control should start as early as 8 weeks—for puppies and kittens. It’s called “prepubescent sterilization,” and to illustrate our point, we’re … Read more »

Animal Companions
PETA Helps Dying Cat Find Relief

He might have been burned, either by accident or intentionally by a cruel person. Or he might have been hit by a car and dragged. No one knew exactly how the feral cat had gotten so horrifically injured, but it was clear that the huge, severely infected wound—with dead and dying flesh—that covered most of … Read more »

Animal Companions
How to Help Animals During Natural Disasters

As wildfires tear through Southern California, homeowners are scrambling to gather animals, basic necessities, and prized possessions as they evacuate. And animal advocates have been busy helping to ensure that the families’ companion animals are safe. Groups, including San Jacinto Valley Animal Services, are opening evacuation centers for small animals, and many fairgrounds in the state … Read more »

Animal Companions
Penelope Needed a Leg Up—and Got One

Janice and her son, Jayke, didn’t know where else to turn. Penelope, a dog they had adopted from an animal shelter, had gotten out of the yard, been hit by a car, and had injured her right front leg so severely that it dangled uselessly, all nerve sensation lost. Although she had been treated by … Read more »

Animal Companions
Dog Clings to Top of Crate in Bed of Speeding Pickup Truck

A driver in southern Georgia was shocked when she spotted a pitiful-looking dog hanging on for dear life to the top of a crate in the back of a pickup truck that was careening down the interstate. A heavy chain around the animal’s neck that was hooked to the top of the crate looked as … Read more »

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