Animal Companions
URGENT: ‘Outdoor Dogs’ in Freezing Temps Are Left to Die Slowly and Painfully

Dogs and cats are not immune to the cold. Animals need your help!

Animal Companions
Photo of the Day: PETA Cat Has New Occupation

Wonder what the cats do at PETA all day? Fight for animal rights!

Animal Companions
Dogs Deserve a Real Home for the Holidays (and Every Day!)

Toys and treats are nice enough, but the “gift” that dogs want most of all is to spend the holidays—and every day—indoors with the rest of the family.

Animal Companions
How a House Can Change a Life—PETA’s Doghouse Program in Action

Whether it’s Christmas, New Year’s Day, or a Saturday when the temperatures have dipped below freezing, PETA staffers and volunteers are outside delivering dry, fluffy straw bedding and warm wooden doghouses to “backyard dogs” who are forced to spend the holidays—and every day in between—outside and alone. In 2021, we delivered 160 doghouses and almost … Read more »

Animal Companions
New Driver-Safety Magnets Sent to Pork Producer After Latest Wreck

PETA sends its first-ever driver safety awareness magnets to a pork producer in the wake of the latest wreck, which killed 80 pigs.

Animal Companions
Animals Saved by PETA Have Homes for the Holidays

Memory test! Do you remember these sweeties who were saved by PETA’s fieldworkers? Here’s an update on some recent rescues.

Animal Companions
Angelique Cabral ‘Enlisted’ for PETA Adoption Video

Enlisted star Angelique Cabral wants YOU to adopt a homeless dog or cat. See her exclusive PETA interview here.

Animal Companions
Victory! Retirement Community Removes Bird Box

After more than a decade, a retirement community has removed its inhumane bird box, thanks to the work of PETA and a concerned resident.

Animal Companions
The Ham That Barked

PETA pitches its provocative holiday “puplet” billboard to remind kids that it’s as cruel to eat hogs as it is to eat dogs.

Dog: © Schwarz
Pig: © Scholz
Animal Companions
Do You Have 60 Seconds to Save Puppies?

As many as 10,000 puppy mills are keeping sick dogs in squalid, filthy cages for years and forcing them to churn out litter after litter. You can help.

Animal Companions
A Heartwarming Gift for Freezing ‘Backyard Dogs’

Turning their backs on Black Friday deals, a group of PETA volunteers decided to spend their day on the lookout for cold, lonely, and forgotten “backyard dogs.”

Animal Companions
Make a Dog’s Tail Wag by Putting the ‘Giving’ in Thanksgiving

Mashed potatoes? Check. Cranberry sauce? Check. Tofurky? Check. Squeaky toy? Check!

Animal Companions
Blue, the Wonder Pit Bull, Pulls Through—Twice

Have you donated to PETA’s low- to no-cost spay/neuter program, lately? Blue says thanks.

Animal Companions
The Biggest Threat to Homeless Animals Today: The Betrayal of ‘No-Kill’ Sheltering

Watch as PETA President Ingrid Newkirk exposes the deadly consequences for animals of so-called “no-kill” policies and what you can do to stop them.

Animal Companions
No Tricks, Only Treats, for ‘Backyard Dogs’

Some dogs never get to go trick-or-treatingor anywhere at all. So PETA decided to give them a well-deserved happy Halloween.

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