Animal Companions
Chicago Fire Department Nabs Award For Rescuing Dog Stuck in Bathtub

After PETA alerted them to the Chihuahua’s plight, the 16-person crew sprang into action.

Henry’s Story: Dachshund Reportedly Dies During PetSmart Grooming Session

As if you needed ANOTHER reason not to go to PetSmart.

Dog Suffocates in Plastic Bag in Botched Home ‘Euthanasia’

What happens when misguided “no-kill” shelter policies make it hard for financially strapped people to surrender sick and elderly animals? Things like this happen.

Animal Companions
Video: We Thought We’d Never See This Chained Dog Again. We Were Wrong.

When Edith disappeared after years of being chained outside, we thought she must have died. But then something amazing happened.

Animal Companions
Watch the Video Trap-Neuter-Release Advocates Don’t Want You to See

Would you ever dream of abandoning your cats on the streets to fend for themselves? This is what could happen if you did.

Animal Companions
Meet Animals We Were Able to Help Because of Your Donations

Each month, PETA puts your donations to use helping hundreds of individual animals in need. Meet a few of them and hear their stories.

Animal Companions
This Rescued Cat Really, Really Loves Baskets

Can you imagine anything worse than a world without baskets? This cat can’t.

Animal Companions
Rescued Dog Determined to Defeat Blanket Foe

Danny the rescued dachshund mix is a master magician.

Animal Companions
Heed the Dancing Condoms: Get Your Cat or Dog Spayed or Neutered

There aren’t enough good homes for all the cats and dogs who deserve them. Spaying and neutering can help end the overpopulation crisis.

Animal Companions
UPDATE: Mickey Goes for a Walk—and Finds a Home

While participating in the “Human Walk” event in Chesapeake, Virginia, Mickey catches the eye of his future guardian.

Animal Companions
Woman Risks Dog’s Life Because She’s Too Lazy to Walk Him Properly (VIDEO)

Somehow, she thought THIS was a good idea.

Animal Companions
Meet Some of the Animals We Helped in March

Spring is in full bloom, and for many animals, the warmer weather brings more than just the shedding of winter coats.

Animal Companions
How a Hike Almost Turned Deadly for My Dog

These tiny seed heads can cause big problems for your dog.

Lots of Love Connections at PETA’s Adopt-a-Thon

There were wags and smiles aplenty at PETA’s Spring Adopt-a-Thon.

Who’s Smarter Than PetSmart? Courtney Stodden … and Almost Everyone Else

Courtney Stodden tells PetSmart that it’s PetStupid.

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