Animal Companions
Video: Rescued Dog Shares His Story in Note Card Confession

Nobody wanted Larry. So they put him in a wire-mesh hutch and forgot about him.

Animal Companions
It’s a Cat … on a Door: Just Another Day at the PETA Office (Photos)

She believes she can fly, and who are we to tell her she can’t?

Animal Companions
PETA Germany Reptile Trade Exposé Finds Link to Notorious U.S. Dealer

In an international investigation, eyewitnesses uncover the harrowing conditions in some of the world’s largest reptile breeders and distributors.

Animal Companions
Santa Comes Early for Chained Dogs

A toy can make a world of difference for a lonely dog who is chained or penned alone day and night.

Animal Companions
Baby Bunnies Among Louisiana Refugees

These three rabbits rescued from the Baton Rouge floods are looking for their “forever homes.”

Steve-O Knows ‘It’s Natural to Be Horrified’

A side of Steve-O not often seen by the public—watch the comedian’s conversation with PETA about his animal activism.

Animal Companions
Will Canine Mayor Give Animal Constituents New ‘Leash’ on Life?

Duke the dog has won his third mayoral term—but what will he do for his fellow canids during his time in office?

© Aaltonen
Animal Companions
Here Are the Deets on Those Louisiana Flood Refugees

PETA’s rescue team knew one thing for sure: Local shelters were going to be inundated with animals whose guardians could no longer care for them.

Animal Companions
Want to Adopt an Animal Rescued From Louisiana Floods? Here’s Your Chance!

PETA’s rescue team returned with dozens of cats and dogs who were displaced during the recent devastating floods in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Animal Companions
PETA’s Team Is on the Ground in Louisiana

PETA is helping with animal emergencies in flood-ravaged Louisiana.

This New Law Will Force Laboratories to Save Animals

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signs a bill that will give beagles a break.

Walmart Employee Finds Out Firsthand Why Monkeys Should Never Be ‘Pets’

Just when you thought you’d seen everything, a monkey in a diaper is spotted in a Walmart parking lot.

© Gijsbers
Animal Companions
VIDEO: Abused Pig Cuddling With New Family Will Melt Your Heart

This little pig’s name means “warrior”—and when you hear his story, you’ll understand why.

Animal Companions
Final Kubic Family Member Is Sentenced for Cruelty

Following a PETA exposé of a Colorado pet store that revealed neglect and abuse of animals, the store’s co-owner has been sentenced.

14 Show Dogs Die in Hot Truck as Woman Responsible for Them Takes a Nap

It’s hard to imagine how terrifying it must have been as, one by one, the dogs succumbed to the heat.

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