PETA Asks NHL Commissioner to Save Dogs’ Lives

It’s been called the “puppy challenge.” And it’s becoming a tradition that has the potential to do a lot of good for homeless animals.

UPDATE: Perfect Cats Get the Perfect Home

When their guardian died just before Thanksgiving, things didn’t look good for this kitty duo—until PETA stepped in.

Animal Companions
Guess Who Saved Millions of Animals in 2016? PETA’s Mobile Clinics!

In 2016, PETA’s mobile spay/neuter clinics broke every record on the books.

‘Princess Leia’ Wanted All Dogs to Be Treated Like Royalty

Carrie Fisher will always be remembered for her sensational talent, passion, honesty, love for her dog, and dedication to helping others.

Animal Companions
George Michael Was a Friend to Dogs

George Michael will be remembered as a music legend who had a big heart and was a great friend to dogs.

PETA Petitions Senior Center: Don’t Call Your Sweet Pig ‘Bacon’

PETA offers lunch if a senior center will recognize that pigs are friends, not food.

Animal Companions
Heroic Cat Saves His Guardian From a Wildfire

Mark Burger thought he was safe, but his rescued cat, Tiger, knew better.

Animal Companions
This Kitten Had a Right to Sing the Lovesick Blues, but Not Anymore

Hank Williams the kitten was living at a house without love, but now everything’s OK.

Animal Companions
These Puppies Were Locked in a Crate Barely Bigger Than They Are

PETA’s straw-delivery volunteers thought they’d seen everything—until now.

Animal Companions
1,300 Pit Bulls ‘Fixed’ in 2016 and Counting

Every pit bull we “snip” means a brighter future for these frequently abused dogs.

Animal Companions
Video: Neutering Is ‘Chingón,’ Says George Lopez

The “Lopez” star teams up with PETA to say “adiós” to the homeless-animal crisis.

Animal Companions
Pamela Anderson Delivers the Pleas of Thousands to Mauritius’ High Commission

How can people enjoy a vacation on your “Paradise Island” while knowing that such horrors are taking place near their hotels?

Reward of up to $5,000 Offered in Fatal Horse-Neglect Case

Someone out there is responsible for neglecting these horses, and PETA and the police need the public’s help to find the culprit(s).

Dallas County Sheriff's Office
Victory! German Pet Stores Scale Back Reptile Sales

Pet stores in Germany have agreed to end or reduce reptile sales following investigations that revealed massive suffering at trade wholesalers.

Animal Companions
This Video Proves Frigid Temperatures Are Hell for ‘Outdoor Cats’

Watch the moment a couple rescues a cat who froze to the ground in harsh winter weather.

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