This Is Why You Should Never Put Hair Dye on Your Animal Companions

Animals are living, feeling individuals—they’re not props or fashion accessories. Read Violet’s story and learn why you should never dye animals’ fur.

‘Ice Maidens’ Shame Iditarod Mushers by Crossing Antarctica Dog-Free

Iditarod enthusiasts, take note: These women accomplished a trailblazing feat without exploiting or killing dogs.

VIDEO: Bodycam Captures Dramatic Rescue of Dog From Burning Building

An officer wearing a bodycam helped pull a dog from a burning Atlanta building. See the dramatic footage and hear about the happy ending.

No More Dungeons for This Princess

A rescued pit bull gets a new home—her abuser gets jail time.

Facebook Fundraising

Use Facebook to help PETA provide a neglected “outside dog” with shelter.

Another Look Inside Infamous PetSmart and Petco Supplier’s Warehouse

The new images follow the release of an insider’s report of the disgraceful Sun Pet facility.

Animal Companions
PETA Ads on Denver Bus Shelters Remind Commuters to Let Cold Dogs Stay Indoors

StreetMedia Group partnered with PETA to post 50 of these ads throughout the city this winter.

Animal Companions
PETA Fights for Lonely and Cold Chained Dogs in Virginia

A new bill introduced in the Virginia House of Delegates would prohibit tethering dogs overnight, in extreme temperatures, and during weather emergencies.

Video: For Rescued Marley, Every Little Thing Gonna Be Alright

After being rescued from life on a chain, Marley isn’t worried about a thing.

These Photos of a Man Holding a Fish Funeral Are Going Viral

When a man held a funeral for fish he’d kept as companions, folks on Twitter couldn’t get enough. Find out what a fish quilt has to do with it.

He Was in the Pits, but Now, Fritz Is Puttin’ on the Ritz

This poodle mix looked like a tired old dog, but looks can be deceiving. Check out his amazing makeover.

After a Life Spent Chained Up, This Dog’s Retirement Looks Golden

Like plenty of other retired folks, Kale is living out his golden years in sunny Florida. But life wasn’t always walks on the beach for this senior dog.

One New Jersey PetSmart Blamed for Two Dog Deaths in Just Eight Days

According to customer reports, at least two dogs have died and another was seriously injured after visiting a PetSmart in New Jersey.

Animal Companions
Small Mammals Don’t Want to Be Class ‘Pets’

Many cute and furry mammals are purchased to be kept in classrooms. There are better ways to teach. TeachKind dismantles myths about this cruel practice.

PETA Protesters Captivate Countless Passersby Around the World (Photos)

December’s demonstrations pulled out all the stops. See why most onlookers couldn’t help but stop and stare.

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