‘Lucy’s Law’ Will Impose Some Restrictions on Heartless Breeders in the UK

Following years of campaigning by activists and organisations, the UK government finally announced that it’ll ban the sale of puppies and kittens by pet shops, online dealers, and other third-party sellers.

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Kitten PETA Rescued From Car Engine Now Needs a Home

Dodge was trapped in a car engine for days before someone heard his desperate cries for help.

VIDEO: Why George Lopez Wants Us All to Help ‘Fix’ L.A.

Los Angeles animal shelters were filled beyond capacity this summer, and George Lopez has something to say about it. Watch this video to find out more.

What’s the First Thing This Dog Did After Her Rescue? She Smiled.

It took years, but PETA fieldworkers finally prevailed in rescuing Ellie from her chain-link prison. Watch it get demolished!

Rescued From Misery and Mud, Missy Now Needs a Loving Home (Photos, Videos)

Missy is so eager to be loved. She brings a lot to the table and deserves a guardian who will offer her as much love as she has to give.

Animal Companions
On PETA’s 38th Birthday: Rescues That We Will Never Forget

Over the past three decades, PETA has saved countless animals from abusive situations.

Hero Pig Foils Burglars, Stops Home Invasion

Burglars didn’t get their hands on anything belonging to a single mother and her four children, thanks to the family’s rescued pig, Dumplin.

What do Jack Daniel’s, IBM, Gucci, and Forever 21 have in common? PETA’s top news for July

These victories—which our supporters made possible—were huge. Can you believe they’re just a taste of all that we accomplished in July?

Want to Use the Copier? You’ll Have to Ask the ‘Copycat’

Chaplin had a rough start in life. But like his actor namesake, he chose to tackle his troubles with a smile.

EXPOSED: Gruesome Crime-Scene Photos From a Self-Professed ‘Animal Rescue’

“The animals’ skin looked like a thin shirt draped over a coat rack,” a sheriff said.

Pet Store Leasing Scheme Costs Dog Buyers Thousands of Dollars

In a strange scam, shady pet stores have reportedly persuaded unsuspecting customers to sign leases disguised as loans for costly animals.

Sequoia’s Story of Suffering Shows Why MD Dog Experiments Must End

Sequoia was a golden retriever who was used as a breeding machine by cruel experimenters. Her puppies’ story will inspire you to take action.

RESCUED! Life Is a Picnic Now for Guinea Pigs Rescued From PetSmart Hell

Bogart and Duke languished in misery at a PetSmart store in Tennessee. Now, they’re in a loving home and finally living as guinea pigs should.

Looking for a Sign That It’s Too Hot for Spot? Here Are 7 of Them

To help stop animals and kids from suffering in hot cars, PETA worked with these businesses to place warning signs at their malls, supermarkets, stores, and other properties.

Another Reason to Make the Snip: Dangerous Bacteria Found in Unneutered Dogs

Sterilized canines live longer, happier lives, but neutering them can also prevent vulnerable humans from contracting a nasty bacteria.

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