From Dogs to Pelicans: Unforgettable PETA Rescue Stories From 2019

PETA and our supporters are an unstoppable force for animals. Here are just a few of our favorite rescue stories from the past year.

See the Sweet Faces of Animals You and PETA Helped in November 2019

See the pelican, fish, crabs, dogs, and other animals whose lives were forever changed by PETA fieldworkers and your donations.

Animal Companions
Jaw-Dropping New Records Reveal What Petco Doesn’t Want You to Know

At one Colorado Petco store, a sick gecko and a severely injured ferret both died after being neglected. Please, only shop at stores that don’t sell live animals.

Pamela Anderson Offers to Adopt Every Dog in Texas A&M’s Laboratory

Would you rather be tormented and killed in useless experiments or get to live with Pamela Anderson? Yeah, same here.

© Carmelo Redondo
Video: Deaf Dog Rescued by PETA Gets His Christmas Miracle

See this spirited special needs dog go from fenced and forgotten to adopted and adored.

Animal Companions
Animal Abuse Now a Federal Offense After Passage of PACT Act

The Prevent Animal Cruelty and Torture (PACT) Act is now law—find out what it means for animals!

Animal Companions
Help PETA Make a Difference for All Dogs

Every dog—every animal—deserves better than a life of exploitation and cruelty, whether they share your home, are condemned to a laboratory, or are abused in any other way.

World Record Marathoner Offers to Run Deadly Iditarod in Place of Dogs

Dogs forced to pull sleds in the Iditarod must run the equivalent of about 36 marathons in a row. World record marathoner Fiona Oakes is willing to run it herself to save them.

© Running for Good
Pet Shop Employee Caught on Camera Throwing Dog to the Ground (Video)

Video footage of a Los Angeles pet shop worker violently grabbing and throwing a dog may have prevented future abuse. If you see something, please, say something.

Matted Poodles, an Emaciated Horse, and Other Animals PETA Helped Last Month

Providing pups with new doghouses, aiding an underweight horse, and neutering a … vampire? Check out these and other actions PETA was taking last month to help animals.

Reality TV Star Smacks Horse With a Hammer—PETA Wants an Investigation

On a recent episode of “River of No Return,” reality star Ron Ens shocked viewers when he struck a tethered horse with a hammer.

Victory! New York City Bans Barbaric Foie Gras

Today, one of the biggest cities in the world is taking a firm stand against cruelty: New York City has banned foie gras and passed more new laws to help animals.

PETA’s True Halloween Horror Stories About Cats Allowed to Roam Outdoors

Do you allow you cat to roam outdoors unsupervised? These true, gruesome stories about “outdoor cats” will certainly scare you straight.

Dogs Eating Each Other, Others Dying in the Cold: This Is ‘No-Kill’

Having a low euthanasia rate but a sky-high rate of cases in which animals die in freezing temperatures, fight and injure each other, or suffer without vet care is not success. It’s cruelty.

Animal Companions
Huge PETA Win! World’s Largest Retailer, Walmart, Ends Live Fish Sales

In a monumental win for often-overlooked animals, and following a decade-long PETA effort, the world’s largest retailer is ending the sale of live fish!

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