It’s National Make-a-Will Month—Get Free Resources From PETA

Need help creating a legacy? PETA has all the resources you need to map out personal and financial goals and ensure that all of your loved ones are cared for. Get started today!

Animal Companions
Sun, Sand, and … Spaying! PETA Latino Returns to Help Cancún’s Companions

PETA Latino visited Cancún last week to support the local city shelter that made good on its promise to perform free spay/neuter procedures for 120 dogs and cats in just two days!

Animal Companions
VIDEO: Two Puppies’ Sticky Situation Calls For Help From the Best—Animal Rahat!

A romp turned into a nightmare when two puppies stumbled into coal tar spilling from overturned barrels. See their transformation after Animal Rahat swooped in.

PETA Exposes Starving, Dead Animals at Yet Another ‘Rescue’

Tiggy Town Rescue claimed to nurse sick animals back to health. But it left them to die in an abandoned house. Make sure you aren’t supporting similar cruelty.

Animal Companions
For Dogs Like Her, Help Animal Rahat Weather the Flood and Save Lives

PETA-supported Animal Rahat’s rescue team in India is wading through floodwaters and seeking survivors right now—here’s how you can support them.

Dog Rescued by PETA Is a Real Rock Star

Whoa-oh, he’s halfway there. This dog rescued by PETA is livin’ on a prayer for a forever family.

PETA’s Community Animal Project: Don’t Miss Midnight’s Smile, Jaxon’s Snack-Time Fort, and More

Once upon a “Midnight” dreary? Not for this smiling pup! See how PETA’s field team helped ensure that no one was weak or weary, despite rising summer temperatures.

Animal Companions
Fireworks Shortage Presents the Perfect Opportunity for Change

Explosions in the air can be upsetting to veterans, small children, and anyone else with a sensitivity to loud sounds—but they’re often deadly to dogs and cats.

PETA’s Ballsy New ‘Deadbeat Dad’ Ad Will Turn Heads This Father’s Day

PETA’s ballsy new “deadbeat dad” ad in Corpus Christi suggests the perfect Father’s Day gift: a neuter surgery. Check it out now.

UPDATE: Lawsuit Filed Against 2 Former PetSmart Employees After Dog Dies

“[Kobe] was hanging for over a minute. He was struggling and being tortured. … [T]hey just kept cutting his nails,” said Kobe’s guardian after viewing PetSmart surveillance video.

Animal Companions
Video: Things Are Looking Up for a Cat Who Was Stuck in a Tree for 4 Days

Rescuers need cardiologists on speed dial as they watch a daredevil cat dart from tree to tree.

Animal Companions
PETA Has a Top 10 List for Everything, Even Top 10 Lists

PETA has made a lot of top 10 lists over the decades, so it was only natural to compile the top 10 of them! Check out our top 10 top 10 lists for food finds, reasons to go vegan, and more.

Animal Companions
What’s Up, Jax? Rescued Guinea Pig Loves Carrots More Than Bugs Bunny Does

Tuber or not tuber? A carrot-loving guinea pig who was rescued by PETA is seeking a new place to put down roots.

Man Shoots His Dog, Then Barbecues the Body on His Front Lawn

A man shot and killed his dog, then used $100 bills to light a fire and barbecue the body. If you find this disturbing but you eat meat, think about your perception.

Animal Companions
Video: How to Prepare Your Pup for Post-Pandemic Life

If your new normal includes spending less time at home, here are some tips to help animal companions adjust to the change.

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