Animal Companions
Bred to Suffer: French Bulldogs Ranked as Nation’s Most AKC-Registered Breed in 2022

The largest “purebred” dog registry in the world ranked this breathing-impaired breed as the most registered dog in the U.S.

Win for Animals! Creator of ‘Crush’ Animal-Killing Videos Found Guilty in Egypt

Find out how PETA Asia’s tip led to a first-of-its-kind case about animal-killing “crush” videos in Egypt.

Animal Companions
PETA’s ‘God of War Ragnarök’ Parody Video Asks for an Animal-Friendly Mode

The video game God of War Ragnarök has taken the world by storm, and PETA—being the largest animal rights organization in all nine realms—weighed in with a viral video on the game: Although PETA doesn’t have a Gjallarhorn to sound, we want to make sure everyone knows not to chain up their 60-foot-tall dogs in … Read more »

Animal Companions
After Philly Kids Attack Dog With Bleach, PETA Offers Free Empathy Lessons

A group of minors attacked a dog with bleach and robbed her guardian in Philadelphia. PETA is offering a new lesson to the city’s schools: empathy.

USDA: Remove Suffering Animals From Craig Kokas’ Hellhole Facility

Open wounds, dry water bowls, piles of feces, and major surgeries without proper anesthesia: The animals at Craig Kokas’ breeding facility need urgent intervention.

Feeling Lonely This Friendsgiving? Claire the Cat Is Here to Help

Claire spent years roughing it outside in a rural mobile home park. Thankfully, the residents called PETA for help, and now this cuddly calico is looking for a loving, indoor home.

Animal Companions
‘No-Kill’ or ‘No Admission’? Limited-Intake Shelter Policies Implode

As communities experience the disastrous results of misguided “no-kill” policies, PETA urges shelters to make animals, not statistics, their priority.

Animal Companions
Meet the ‘Bertie 5’ and Other Animals Helped by PETA Fieldworkers

When an animal is in need, PETA fieldworkers do everything in their power to help. Learn more about their groundbreaking work.

From Fearful Five to Fabulous Friends: Meet These Adoptable Kittens

These kittens were literally thrown to the dogs, but thanks to quick-thinking PETA staffers, they survived the ordeal. Do you have room for one (or two) in your family?

Notorious Colorado Dog-Sledding Hellhole Closes Following Pressure From Dog Defenders

Champagne corks are popping at PETA: We can confirm that notorious Colorado business Krabloonik Dogsledding has officially shut down!

Animal Companions
Career Cat Hopes to Hang Up Hard Hat and Work From Home—Maybe Yours?

When workers at a recycling plant realized they could no longer care for sweet Peque—whom they found abandoned as a kitten—they called PETA for help with finding her a permanent home.

Animal Companions
Loretta Lynn Was a PETA Chain-Breaker

Loretta Lynn was never big on being bound. And she wouldn’t let animals be bound, either.

Animal Companions
PETA Demands U.S. Army Ban ‘Classified’ Weapon-Wounding Tests on Dogs, Others

What are dogs, cats, and other animals enduring in the U.S. Army’s “classified” weapon-wounding tests? We’re pushing for answers and calling for a ban.

Animal Companions
No Matter Whether Victim Was a Dog or a Wolf, Amber Rose Barnes Is Still a Murderer

Amber Rose Barnes was proud of herself for killing a baby wolf—then she learned she’d actually killed a dog. Learn why there isn’t a difference.

World Rabies Day: Are Your Animal Companions Vaccinated?

Do you know when your dog’s or cat’s rabies vaccination expires? Forgetting can be deadly for all your loved ones.

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