Milk Gone Wild 2: At the Carwash!

PETA’s original Milk Gone Wild video was one of the most successful things we’ve ever done online, reaching a completely new audience with a message about why milk is cruel and unnatural, and totally grossing out literally hundreds of thousands of people in the process. Soooooooooo, here’s a DIY sequel that we made in the … Read more »

Today’s word of the day is …

Don’t ask me what I was doing nerding around at this morning, but this particular Internet detour turned out to be felicitous and surprisingly, um, appurtenant. Turns out that today’s Word of the Day is “Speciesism,” which the good folks at Wordsmith have defined for us as “The assumption of superiority of humans over … Read more »

Vote for the March Mad Scientists!

It’s been 16 long weeks since we last had a Vivisector of the Week to vote on, but we’re going to make up it for all in one go right here: You asked for it (OK, whatever, you didn’t ask for it), so here it is … just in time for March Madness, 16 of … Read more »

800 Dogs Seized From Couple’s Home

A couple in Tucson was caught by Arizona authorities this week with close to 800 dogs (mostly Chihuahuas) and 80 parrots in filthy conditions inside their trailer. CBS News quoted workers on the case as suggesting that the owners were “breeders with good intentions,” which is rather like calling someone a well-meaning child abuser. According … Read more »

Fred Willard Teaches His Dog Manners

Fans of FOX’s Back to You breathed a collective sigh of relief when the writers ended the show’s long drought with two brand-new episodes last week. You’re going to have to bear with me for a painful segue here, but legendary funnyman Fred Willard—who stars alongside Kelsey Grammer in Back to You—was good enough to … Read more »

Beagle Wins at Westminster but May Not Live to Tell the Tale

It shouldn’t surprise anyone that selectively breeding dogs for certain “aesthetic” traits like a shiny nose, or perky ears—or whatever the hell it is that breeders are looking for in the animals they use for self-gratification and profit—isn’t good for the animals, and in fact can cause extreme health problems. All of the animals who … Read more »

Investigator Discusses PETA Sting on Kosher Slaughterhouse

PETA’s Investigator Inside the Slaughterhouse What was the most difficult thing about this investigation for you? Being Jewish, I grew up believing that kosher food was better supervised and therefore cleaner, healthier and produced more humanely. Like the famous kosher slogan, I thought the kosher food industry always “answered to a higher authority.” It was … Read more »

Abuse at Ross University?

We sent this letter to the St. Kitts Attorney General yesterday urging him to immediately investigate the “teaching” procedures being performed on dogs, donkeys, and sheep at Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine, which is owned by Chicago-based DeVry, Inc. (of late-night TV commercial fame). We’re also calling for prosecution of any school officials who … Read more »

Uninvited Guests at the Westminster Dog Show

I talked a bit yesterday about the ad we have running during the Westminster Dog Show, which is like a great big frat party for dog breeders, but what I didn’t mention was that we also had a team on the ground waiting to greet attendees, and inform passersby exactly what the breeding industry means … Read more »

“Buy One, Kill One” to Air During Dog Show

If you haven’t seen this ad yet, you should check it out. It’s all part of our new campaign to let the world know that the breeders bear a direct responsibility for this country’s massive animal-overpopulation crisis. It shouldn’t take a rocket scientist to make the connection that people who are deliberately breeding animals for … Read more »

Happy Year of the Rat!

That’s right. It’s officially the Year of the Rat today, and in honor of the new year’s murine mascots, PETA is asking people to, um, be a bit nicer to them. For regular folk, doing that could be as simple as looking into humane options for dealing with rats who may end up in their … Read more »

L.A. Passes Spay/Neuter Ordinance!

The mandatory spay/neuter ordinance, which I was talking up this week on the blog, passed today at the Van Nuys City Council meeting with a 10-1 vote! There is still one more vote to take place next week which will finalize it, but the decision will be made based on simple majority. According to my … Read more »

Deflocked, by Jeff Corriveau

Deflocked, baby. Deflocked. Click for a larger version To check out the archives of past strips, click here.

L.A. Considers Mandatory Spay/Neuter

The Los Angeles City Council has just announced that a meeting will be held on Friday morning to discuss a historic ordinance that would require virtually all dogs and cats in Los Angeles to be spayed or neutered. If you happen to live in L.A. and have an urge to whisper sweet words of encouragement … Read more »

Jamie Lynn Spears’ Pregnancy Prompts PETA to Air ‘Sex Talk’ Ad

With all the constant chatter about 16-year-old Jamie Lynn Spears’ pregnancy announcement, this seemed like an ideal time to air our “Sex Talk” ad, which draws a connection between irresponsible animal guardians who refuse to spay and neuter their pets, and parents who are a bit too blasé about having that awkward chat with their … Read more »

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