Pelt Pusher Anna Wintour Receives PETA Recognition?

It is no surprise that every year, both deserving and not-so-deserving souls pop up on the Queen of England’s honors list. In some quarters, certain OBEs are known as “other b****’s efforts,” while others are simply regarded as sales awards, as is the case for much disliked Vogue editor Anna Wintour. Given Wintour’s reputation as … Read more »

Songbird U.

scienceblogs / CC The 4,500-plus songbirds who become temporary inhabitants at Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals wildlife centers will now be receiving free tuition and room and board. According to this BBC story, babies who are taken in for treatment need a chance to learn songs so that they can socialize … Read more »

Bioethicist Suggests Solution to the Food Crisis

It’s a great day when the American Public Media radio show Marketplace diverts its gaze from the stock market to notice things like the food crisis—and an even better day when it invites Princeton University bioethicist Peter Singer to talk about something other than whether the Machiavellians among us should invest in corn futures.Earlier this … Read more »

Update: Congressional Hearings on Horse Racing

On behalf of thoroughbreds everywhere, a congressional hearing was held today to discuss horseracing—just weeks after PETA and tens of thousands of our members and supporters called for it. You can get a pretty cool play-by-play of the meeting here, but basically, the primary message was that the drugs are the problem—not just steroids but … Read more »

Open Your Eyes for Blinders: Alec Baldwin Hosts Exclusive Premier

Photo Credit: Patricia Schlein Last night was another red-carpet moment for animals. Alec Baldwin hosted the premier screening of Blinders—the latest documentary to give viewers a critical inside look at the inner dealings of the horse-drawn carriage industry. Director Donny Moss exposed the archaic industry for what it is—a living hell for horses. Forced to … Read more »

An Open Letter to the Citizens of Iowa

An open letter to the citizens of Iowa: It’s too late to save the poor pigs who were killed after they escaped a flooded southeastern Iowa farm after being left to drown, swam several miles through raging floodwaters, and scrambled atop a sandbag levee, where sheriff’s officials shot them for fear that they would weaken … Read more »

Step Away From the Tentacles

You know, very few things will bother vegetarians like assuming that we eat fish. Um, so, like, what plant is it exactly that you think fish grow on?By saying “you,” I don’t mean you, of course. After all, you already understand that fishing hurts, and you’re totally down with lobster liberation, right? And you’ve made … Read more »

Norfolk Mayor: PETA Is Intelligent

Since 2001, PETA’s mobile “Spay and Neuter Immediately, Please” (SNIP) clinic has been providing free and low-cost spay-and-neuter surgeries (nearly 45,000!) in Virginia’s Hampton Roads area, where PETA is located. Earlier this week, we doubled the size of our lifesaving fleet, rolling out a second animal birth control mobile clinic. Norfolk Mayor Paul Fraim, who … Read more »

Kitties Go Crazy for Sex and the City

Tired of drinking Cosmopolitans all by your lonesome? You’re in luck. After six long years of reruns to keep you company, the bawdy bunch from Sex and the City are back for their big screen debut. Here’s a little quiz to get you in the mood for the new Sex movie:420,000 is the number of:A. … Read more »

Oh, and one more thing about breeders …

For a completely surreal glance into the world these people live in, check out this undercover footage from behind the scenes at this year’s Westminster Dog Show. It speaks volumes.

Deflocked, by Jeff Corriveau

Here’s what Jeff says about this week’s masterpiece: “The strip is based on the sad measures that officials have to take in order to protect rhinos from poachers. And a little depravity thrown in for good measure.” He also let me know that, in honor of Earth Week, he sprayed this strip with 50 percent … Read more »

Vanessa Carlton for PETA

This one’s a beauty. Vanessa Carlton, whose latest album, Heroes and Thieves, has been making critics go all gooey for a few months now, is the star of a new PETA ad to help prevent animal overpopulation as part of our Animal Birth Control Campaign. Check it: And just so you can have it playing … Read more »

A Zoo Story

This was sent in by Marc Bekoff for Taylor Courtney Hobbs, anundergraduate at the University of Colorado, Boulder. As you will haveguessed from the title of this post, it’s kind of depressing. Before Istarted thinking really seriously about animal rights issues, itliterally never even occurred to me that there might be something wrongwith keeping wild … Read more »

Eli Lilly Funds Chinese Torture

Just so I can complete the perfect trifecta of posts about quirky demonstrations today (see the shower girls and the DC dinosaur in case you missed them), here’s one that involves six businesspeople in one small cage. The purpose of this protest—which took place outside drugmaker Eli Lilly’s annual shareholder meeting yesterday—was to let the … Read more »

Ron Artest: “Have the balls!”

Sacramento Kings forward Ron Artest is the star of a new PSA for PETA urging basketball fans to “have the balls to spay or neuter your dog.” Artest has never been shy about speaking his mind, and, in addition to bringing him a fair share of headlines throughout his career, this trait has shown itself … Read more »

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