Animal Companions
Breeders Try to Save Their Own Skins

allposters / CC After years of breeding dogs that end up sick and short-lived (as was brought to light in a special BBC documentary), U.K. breeders are scrambling to change the very breeding standards that they touted a minute ago. Following the BBC’s decision to drop Crufts, the UK equivalent of the Westminster Dog Show, … Read more »

Animal Companions
Yo, USA Network: Drop the Dog Show, Already!

Intentionally breeding dogs for their looks while millions are dying for lack of good homes in extremely crowded shelters? The American Kennel Club just doesn’t get it. And neither does the USA network, which broadcasts the AKC’s Westminster Dog Show every February. That’s why we sent USA a letter asking for a little face time … Read more »

Animal Companions
Biden Does a Puppy Right

We recently reported that Vice President-elect Joe Biden and his wife bought a dog from a breeder instead of adopting one from an animal shelter. Fortunately, the moaning was loud enough for the Bidens to get the message, and our VP-elect says that he’s getting a second dog, this one from an animal shelter. PETA … Read more »

Animal Companions
2008: A Great Year for Animals!

“So, PETA,” you might be asking as the end of the year quickly approaches, “what exactly did y’all do this year? Anything interesting?” We’re glad you asked, as it just so happens that we’ve put together this video, which just so happens to highlight some of the sweet PETA goings-on from 2008. Watch it and … Read more »

Animal Companions
Two PETA Paws Up for ‘Marley and Me’

popculturebuzz / CC Marley & Me is coming out soon, and—even though it is decidedly mutt-free—we are nuts about this film’s message. OK, in case you don’t know, Marley is based on the bestselling book by John Grogan and stars Owen Wilson as Grogan and Jennifer Aniston as his wife, Jenny. When they adopt Marley, … Read more »

Animal Companions
Bidens Bought Puppy–Now Kennel Is Cited for Violations!

Right about now, we bet Vice President-elect Joe Biden is kicking himself for his decision to buy a purebred dog from a breeder, rather than adopt from a shelter. The Philadelphia Department of Agriculture has handed Wolf Den kennel—the Chester County kennel where Biden purchased his puppy—citations for various violations. The violations included failure to … Read more »

Animal Companions
BBC Drops Dog Show Coverage

phapet / CC The BBC has announced—in a momentous victory for dogs everywhere—that it will no longer broadcast coverage of the Kennel Club’s Crufts dog show. Crufts is the British equivalent of the American Kennel Club’s Westminster Dog Show with all the attendant hype and fuss and dogs in crates. BBC officials have learned that … Read more »

Animal Companions
Joe Biden Buys One, Gets One Killed

I was extremely disappointed to read that Vice President-elect Joe Biden and his wife bought a dog from a breeder instead of adopting one from an animal shelter. Obviously he or his wife blanked on Ingrid’s letter, which asked him to consider adopting and explained, “Every year, U.S. animal shelters are forced to euthanize millions … Read more »

Animal Companions
New Video Proves That Fred Willard Is the Man

Here are the top four reasons why Fred Willard is the man: 4. This Is Spinal Tap: Seriously, put it on your bucket list. 3. Waiting for Guffman: A travel agent–slash–community theater star who’s all tracksuit and no talent—nice. 2. ABC PSA (ad-libbed version): Known for his improv skills, Fred ad libs on the acronyms … Read more »

Animal Companions
Keep Up With the Times, AKC!

There’s been a lot of good news for doggie kind lately. First, our canine friends in the U.K. got a break when the (British) Kennel Club announced that it would be reviewing and revising breeding standards for its “recognized” breeds. The first step was to inform breeders of Pekinese dogs that it was no longer … Read more »

Animal Companions
Is Your Mutt the Cutest of Them All?

The tabloids are constantly filled with breathless speculation about who various celebs might be sleeping with. But we already know who a few lovely stars are taking to bed: their mutts! Some celebrities who are hooked on rescued mutts include Sandra Bullock, Simon Cowell, Kristen Bell, and—hopefully—even the next president of the good ol’ U. … Read more »

Animal Companions
Hey Animal Abusers … Payback Is Hell

canada / CC So Rony Salman, this oh-so-classy Canadian burglar, is in jail right now for, well, robbery and has recently learned the true meaning of “an eye for an eye,” or in this case I guess it’d be an ear for an ear … Along with his spotty burglary past, he’s also previously pleaded … Read more »

Animal Companions
Kristen Johnston Launches Sexy Ad on Taxi Tops

Yes, the Kristen Johnston, and yes, she is starkers on that plastic horse. Two-time Emmy Award–winning actor Kristen Johnston, whom you will remember as the hysterical Sally on Third Rock From the Sun, stripped down for PETA’s new ad targeting the cruelty of the horse-drawn carriage trade. In this gorgeous tribute to Lady Godiva—another fearless … Read more »

Animal Companions
Turkey Pardon Fail, Starring Sarah Palin

The moose-hunting, fur-wearing, pro-aerial-wolf-gunning governor is in the news again. On Thursday, Sarah Palin visited a turkey farm in Wasilla for the traditional pre-Thanksgiving turkey “pardoning.” Now, most people probably don’t think about exactly how the turkeys raised for Thanksgiving dinner every year meet their maker. But not to worry. Sarah has that under control. … Read more »

Animal Companions
Where Does Donna Karan Stand on Fur?

We have a bit of a history with Donna Karan. This might surprise you (OK, so it won’t), but we don’t like it when people tell us they’re going to stop using fur and then go back on their word. That’s why we like to visit Donna—at her apartment, at her fashion shows, and even … Read more »

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