Free Spay-and-Neuter Coupons Return to Los Angeles

  redfishbluefish / CC We were appalled when the Los Angeles Department of Animal Services terminated a crucial program that assists low-income residents by offering coupons for free spaying and neutering of their animal companions. Thankfully, city officials woke right up after the tremendous outcry from local residents, and the city of Los Angeles is … Read more »

Two Star Athletes’ Very Different Approaches to Animal Abuse

In a recent Houston Chronicle article, Rockets small forward Ron Artest openly admits that he doesn’t have the best track record when it comes to animal care. In the article, he confesses that because he spends a lot of time traveling, he once left one of his dogs vulnerable to neglect. In a refreshingly candid … Read more »

‘In Vitro’ Meat Goes Prime Time With ‘Better Off Ted’

bestweekever / CC We predict a hit with ABC’s new sitcom Better Off Ted, which premieres tonight (check local listings for times). I mean, with a story line that revolves around in vitro meat, as it does in the first episode, how could the show fail? The premise of Ted, which sounds sort of like … Read more »

The Obama Effect

i-love-dogs / CCPortuguese Water Dog Well, Michelle Obama has gone and done it: She ‘fessed up to People magazine that the first family is leaning toward adopting a Portuguese water dog. To give her credit, she stresses that the family plans to adopt the dog from a shelter or rescue group, but we sure do … Read more »

Basketball Star Ron Artest Unveils New PETA Ad

When Ron Artest isn’t sticking it to his opponents on the basketball court, he’s sticking up for animals. That’s why the Houston Rockets forward teamed up with us and the Houston Humane Society to star in an ad urging people to get their dogs “fixed.”     “These animals are literally dying for a good … Read more »

Broccoli Might Help Put a Bun in Your Oven

For years, scientists have been pushing fertility drugs to help increase the chances of conceiving, but can boosting one’s “baby chances” be as simple as eating more greens? Well, blow me down, it might be! Results from a major Harvard University study suggest that going vegetarian may increase fertility. To help spread this baby-mama buzz, … Read more »

PETA Wants A-Rod Off All Drugs

askmen / CC You had to see this coming. No sooner did A-Rod fess up to taking performance-enhancing drugs in 2003 than we began thinking that the Yankees third baseman should prove that he is committed to being drug-free by—you guessed it—going vegetarian. “A-Roid” may have voluntarily doped up to enhance his performance, but cows, … Read more »

Model Ts Set to Replace the Horse–Again!

yahoo / CC I had occasion to ride my bike into downtown Houston one evening last week. While it was great to see a lot of nightlife happening in this once-dead part of our fair city, there was one sight that wasn’t so welcome: carriages drawn by sad, exhausted horses. Frequent PETA Files visitors know … Read more »

Phelps Pot (Roast) Billboard a Real ‘Hit’

Last week, in honor of our favorite Olympic stoner, we decided to run a billboard that declared, “Say No to Pot Roast.” When the billboard made a huge splash in headlines, we started getting requests for a T-shirt sporting the slogan. Take a deep breath and get ready for this one:   Buy your own … Read more »

AKC and KKK: BFFs in Some Ways?

If you watch the USA network, then you are probably aware that the Westminster dog show is next week. They’re promoting it out the wazoo—I know this from being forced to sit through commercial breaks during House because the Best Cat in the Universe is snoozing on my lap. Anyhoo, PETA wouldn’t want to miss … Read more »

Sexy Mice (and Surprise Guests) Confront Lowe’s

When you have an epic battle as big as PETA’s campaign to convince home improvement behemoth Lowe’s to stop selling glue traps, you have to decide if you are “a man or a mouse,” as the saying goes. Personally, I’m a mouse. I’m PETA’s original “sexy mouse,” in fact. Yes, that’s me, writhing in a … Read more »

Victory: First-Ever Felony Charges of Cruelty to Factory-Farmed Birds

In a huge victory for animals, a grand jury has issued 19 indictments for cruelty to animals against three former employees of Aviagen Turkeys, Inc. And it gets better—11 of the indictments are on felony charges. This marks the first time in U.S. history that factory-farm employees have faced felony cruelty-to-animals charges for abusing birds. … Read more »

Human Barbeque!

Last week, PETA hosted a “human barbeque” on a Phoenix, Arizona, street to remind passersby that all animals have the same basic body parts. Check out these pictures of the demonstration:   Our bloody butcher set up his mock grill right in the middle of town. Although you may never have to see what happens … Read more »

Mexican Government Says ‘Yes’ to Sex and Veggies

Back in November, we were taken aback to learn that Mexico City Mayor Marcelo Ebrard planned a citywide initiative to improve residents’ sex lives by distributing free Viagra to elderly men suffering from impotence. We sent a letter to let him know that most men don’t need to pop pills to get some afternoon delight: … Read more »

PETA to Advertisers: Ax the AKC

abcnews / CC You guys remember how the BBC dropped coverage of Crufts, the UK’s big dog show, right? After that, we asked USA Network to do the decent thing and follow suit by refusing to air the American Kennel Club’s Westminster Dog Show. Well, it seems that USA is determined to wring a few … Read more »

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