Animal Companions
Homeless Animals Receive Special Holiday Gift

This week Windsor, North Carolina, officials cut the red ribbon that wrapped PETA’s very special gift to animals in this small Southern town. For nearly a decade, PETA has been working with Windsor and other area towns to provide homeless animals in their care with better housing conditions and a peaceful end when euthanasia is … Read more »

Animal Companions
A Pit Bull’s Merciful Death Ignites Controversy

The case of Oreo, a pit bull who inspired headlines and received an outpouring of public sympathy when her “owner” tossed her off a Brooklyn rooftop in June (she fell six stories and broke both of her front legs), has ignited a controversy. Oreo was nursed back to health by the American Society for the … Read more »

Animal Companions
Ad Exposing Pound Seizure in Texas City Rejected

For more than two decades, Odessa Animal Control has sold homeless cats to the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center (TTUHSC) for use in painful intubation exercises. A spokesperson for Odessa Animal Control has stated, “We don’t have a problem with [selling cats to TTUHSC]. … We don’t ask any questions.” If Odessa Animal Control … Read more »

Animal Companions
Oprah: ‘That Better Be Faux!’

personalmoneystore / CC Here’s one more reason why I heart Oprah. Yesterday, during her fall fashion style makeover show, a stylist mentioned that a furry vest worn in one woman’s “after” look was faux. Oprah replied, “I was a PETA Woman of the Year so I hope that’s faux!” From celebrating vegan cuisine with Chef … Read more »

Animal Companions
Jessica Simpson: Please Adopt Your New Furry Friend from a Shelter

celebrityviplounge / CC   Well, Jessica’s thinking about opening her heart and home to a new pooch and word on the street is that she “wants a rescue dog.” We’re thrilled to hear that she’s thinking about rescuing a dog instead of buying one from a breeder. Today, we wrote to the star to urge … Read more »

Animal Companions
This Little Piggy Didn’t Go to Market

In case you forgot how smart, social, and absolutely adorable pigs are, meet Sherlock. Found wandering down a rural road in Suffolk, Virginia, this little guy was captured and taken to the local animal shelter:     When he was found, Sherlock was still a baby, but he was already castrated and his tail had … Read more »

Animal Companions
Internet Soup!

It’s a hazy day here on the Right Coast. As I watch leaves fall and steam rise from my soy mocha, the mood is set for a lazy (yet highly skilled) meander through gossip rags for fun stuff. Here are my faves: Warning! Seals can literally cute you to death. Kiddies catch E. coli from … Read more »

Animal Companions
Jon & Kate Minus Dogs

Oh, reality TV stars, will you never learn? Jon and Kate Gosselin—who don’t exactly have a stellar record when it comes to animal companions—have allowed their marital disputes to affect their family, and I’m not talking about their eight kids. Jon has packed up the family’s dogs and is returning them to their breeder. Returning … Read more »

Animal Companions
Hey, Ringling, Pick On Someone Your Own Size

It looks like Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus isn’t anxious for PETA to capture any more footage of its goons employees whacking elephants with bullhooks. How else would you explain the ugly incident that happened this past Tuesday in which a burly, 200-something-pound Ringling worker apparently shoved and almost knocked down PETA staffer … Read more »

Animal Companions
Speidi: Maybe Al Roker Was Right

Remember when Al Roker suggested to Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt that there are some people who believe that they just might be “everything that is wrong with celebrity in this country“?   thesebootsaremadeforstalking / CC   It looks like the dreaded “Speidi” are proving Mr. Roker’s point for him. Much like other famous airheads, … Read more »

Animal Companions
Three Arrested in D.C. Seal Slaughter Protest

This morning, when Prime Minister Stephen Harper met with President Obama at the Canadian Embassy in D.C., he got a welcome that I’m sure he won’t forget any time soon. Three “seals” covered with red paint writhed on the ground to illustrate what happens to hundreds of thousands of harp seals in Canada. Fifteen other … Read more »

Animal Companions
Dog Helps Stranger, Nabs Mugger

thewe / CC Two years ago in Bangalore, a man named Vijay took a shine to one of India’s numerous needy, homeless dogs. Vijay named the dog Johny and started feeding and caring for him. Johny quickly became a popular member of the neighborhood. Little did Vijay know that his good deed was destined to … Read more »

Animal Companions
PETA India Demonstration, Sans Cops

While some PETA India members in Calcutta faced cop trouble at a demonstration outside the Calcutta Zoo earlier this week, others hit the streets in Delhi to help residents brush up on their ABCs: animal birth control.   Professor Pup calls class to order.   Delhi, Bangalore, and other parts of the country are facing … Read more »

Animal Companions
Sorry Chuy … Chelsea Handler Has a New Love Nugget!

As a dedicated Chelsea Lately fan, I was thrilled last night when Chelsea Handler opened her show with the announcement that she had adopted a mutt she has named Chunk from an animal shelter.     Chelsea has joined the growing list of celebrities who are showing the world that the era of the “purse … Read more »

Animal Companions
PETA’s Position on Pit Bulls

To clarify PETA’s position on pit bulls: We’re for ’em. By “for ’em,” I mean that we are for pit bull protection, for their happiness, and for treating them like dogs instead of like cheap burglar alarms, punching bags, or gladiators in perverted death matches. Some pit bull fanciers out there seem to think that … Read more »

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