Animal Companions
Will You Nip Just One Birthing Machine in the Bud?

Warning: Graphic photos below. This blog post may shock you with its bluntness, but it is the truth. It’s also a call to action. This is your chance to weigh in and help the unloved, the unwanted, and the throwaways from our convenience-oriented society. I want to ask you to look at some photographs that … Read more »

Animal Companions
Temple Grandin: Helping the Animals We Can’t Save / CC   This post originally appeared in the Sacramento Bee. This month, HBO is premiering an original biopic starring Claire Danes about an extraordinary person, Dr. Temple Grandin. As a young woman, Grandin struggled with the isolating challenges of autism at a time when this disorder was almost a total mystery. Today she … Read more »

Animal Companions
A Very White (and Fur-Free) White House

Whoever said you can’t wear white after Labor Day apparently never saw this army of vogue volunteers:     These snowmen and -women put the “white” into “White House” yesterday, telling dozens of blizzard-braving, picture-taking passersby that the only thing colder than snow is fur. And what’s cooler than these Jack and Jane Frosts? We’ve … Read more »

Animal Companions
Go Vegan for Lent

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Animal Companions
Fur Hag Face-Off: The Diva Edition

It’s time to play another round of “Who Wore It Worse?” In this round, two singers who consistently hit only low notes—thanks to their garish fur garments—are about to face off.     First up: Is this “Loco for fur” Latina still “from the block?” That ghastly coat certainly suggests that she spends her nights … Read more »

Animal Companions
Kate Moss Makes Her Mondays Meat-Free

img2.timeinc / CC   Kate Moss has made many fatally ugly fashion faux pas, but today we were left pleasantly surprised after learning that Kate’s taken her friend (and PETA U.K.’s 2007 Person of the Year) Stella McCartney’s advice and decided to give Meat-Free Mondays a chance. We still can’t forgive the supermodel for her … Read more »

Animal Companions
The Albatross With Two Mommies

Poet Charles Baudelaire called the albatross “one of those big birds / which nonchalantly chaperone a ship / across the bitter fathoms of the sea,” and Samuel Coleridge deemed the animal “a bird of good omen.” (OK, no more 19th-century poetry references—I promise!) I wonder if those guys would be impressed to know that two … Read more »

Animal Companions
Top Five Super Bowl Ads

Take it from someone who uses the Super Bowl as a bathroom break to get back to the main-event (commercials!): This year, the ads that were shown during the big game made history with their creative alternatives to live animals. Check out our five animal-friendly favorites:     “Whale of a Tale,” Bridgestone: Three friends. … Read more »

Animal Companions
Elephant Runs Amok at Ringling Pre-Show

An apparently agitated elephant reportedly charged into the arena during Ringling’s afternoon pre-show in Columbia, South Carolina, on Saturday, endangering about 100 spectators. Most attendees hurried away from the scene, and luckily, no one was injured, but the potential exists for injury or death when elephants rampage. Since 1990, dangerous incidents involving captive elephants in … Read more »

Animal Companions
Up Next on truTV: The Plaintiffs Fluffy and Fido

womensadventuremagazine / CC George and Weezie Jefferson may have moved up, but I’m jonesing to move out. My destination: Switzerland, which just might become the most animal-friendly nation in the world. Last year, Switzerland passed a law that guarantees rights for all animals. Next month, voters will weigh in on a referendum that, if passed, … Read more »

Animal Companions
Win ‘The Pretenders: Live in London’ DVD

amazon / CC The Pretenders’ Chrissie Hynde isn’t just the lead singer of a rock band and a Rock and Roll Hall of Famer—she’s an animal rights leader too. With that in mind, we’re giving you a chance to win a copy of the band’s highly anticipated new CD/DVD box set, Live in London. It … Read more »

Animal Companions
The Sweetest Tweets: PETA’s Valentine’s Day E-Cards

We were inundated with precious pics of your too-cute-for-140-characters animal companions in our Valentine’s Day Twitter contest, and now we’re featuring the winners in four V-Day e-cards:     At the top left, meet Meeme and Mochi, who may have been watching too much Twilight before their picture was taken. The cutie in the top … Read more »

Animal Companions
Get a Limited-Edition ‘Olympic’ Pin

With the Winter Olympics just a week away and all eyes turning to Vancouver, now is the perfect moment to draw attention to Canada’s upcoming slaughter of tens of thousands of young harp seals. These sensitive animals are often less than 2 weeks old when sealers beat them, hook them in the eye, mouth, or … Read more »

Animal Companions
Victory for Lobsters! Illinois Bar Ditches Lobster Zone Machines

dailymail / CC 2010 is already shaping up to be a clawsome year for lobsters! First, Kalahari Resorts dropped Lobster Zone machines from all its locations, and now Doc Ryan’s—a bar in Illinois—has also made the humane choice to remove the “game.” After we urged people to take action, it took a mere 24 hours … Read more »

Animal Companions
Anne Hathaway Finds Vegans Inspiring

collider / CC   “When I was trying to work her out, I kept saying to myself, ‘She is a punk-rock, vegan pacifist.’ So I listened to a lot of Blondie, I watched a lot of Greta Garbo movies, and I looked at a lot of the artwork of Dan Flavin.” —Anne Hathaway on what … Read more »

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