Animal Companions
Ditch the Dog Graveyard!

It’s a fact: the Westminster Dog Show aggravates the already dire animal overpopulation crisis and contributes to the deaths of homeless animals by encouraging people to buy purebred dogs from breeders and pet stores. That’s why PETA’s Grim Reaper showed up on Monday to usher in the dark event:     This year, dedicated PETA … Read more »

Animal Companions
Helping Mexico Crack Down on Childhood Obesity

foodpoisonjournal / CC Thanks to all the bad habits immigrating from north of the border, the childhood obesity epidemic in Mexico is growing quickly, and school lunches loaded with fattening meat and dairy products are largely to blame. Luckily, we know just how to help Mexican schools tackle this hefty issue: Meat-Free Mondays. We sent … Read more »

Animal Companions
McD’s, You’re About to Get Served

Sometimes all you need is a sign—and with our new McCruelty Sign Generator, you can create one for McDonald’s McCruelty. Design your own slogan and expose the painful slaughter behind the “billions and billions” of chickens served. Check out a few signs that the bloggers have already generated:   Karin’s flaming mad at McD’s.   … Read more »

Animal Companions
Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall, Who’s the Fugliest of Them All?

What a week it’s been—I never dreamed I’d see so many flakes in one place (and I’m not talking about Snowmagolypse)! During PETA’s “Who Wore It Worst?” competition, a fur-addicted mother squared off with her daughter. Devilishly self-centered divas duked it out. Pelt-wearing wannabes went toe-to-toe. And two famous wives, each married to cruelty to … Read more »

Animal Companions
Valentine’s Day: Celebs Bare Their Hearts (and Much More) for Animals

Baby, it’s cold outside,And—wow!—the snow’s piled high,But these sexy celebrity ads Will make it very, very warm inside!     After you take a few moments to cool down, tell us which ad you think is the hottest. Written by Karin Bennett

Animal Companions
Auckland Bars Shut Down Catcha Cray Machines / CC We’ve already got crustacean cheer up in here—now it’s time to send it to the Kiwis. The Auckland Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) and SAFE have shut down Catcha Cray game machines in three pubs in New Zealand’s largest city! The organizations also plan to take legal action … Read more »

Animal Companions
Sheds Collapse Under Weight of Snow

tinyfarmblog / CC In the aftermath of the recent record-breaking snowstorms that hit the East Coast, it is being reported that the roofs of up to 50 chicken sheds throughout the Delmarva Peninsula in Delaware and Maryland have collapsed under the weight of the snow. As a result, thousands of birds have likely suffered and … Read more »

Animal Companions
PETA’s Anti-Seal Slaughter Ad: Coming to a Bluetooth Near You

Because TV stations in Victoria, British Columbia, have rejected PETA’s anti–seal slaughter public service announcement, we’ve decided to go mobile with our campaign by placing a Bluetooth transmitter outside three of the city’s high schools. The transmitters will automatically send PETA’s ad to students’ phones (and those of lucky passersby) to educate them about the … Read more »

Animal Companions
Placing the Blame Where It Belongs

I know the photos are upsetting, believe me. But you have to understand a problem in order to fix it. And that’s what we want you to do—to start understanding the real source of the problem. The killing of homeless and unwanted animals isn’t going away, and it’s not because animal shelters don’t care (they … Read more »

Animal Companions
PETCO Profiting Off Animals Seized From USGE? Over Our Dead Bodies

Remember PETA’s 2007 undercover investigation of Rainbow World Exotics (RWE), a hellhole in Hamilton, Texas, that supplies PETCO and PetSmart stores with little hamsters, gerbils, and other critters? Before going public with that investigation, we sat down with three PETCO corporate representatives (one of whom was a vet) and showed them heartbreaking footage of a … Read more »

Animal Companions
PETA Germany Hearts Seals

Oh, PETA Germany and your seal-loving supporters, you had me at “Hallo.”   It’s not even Valentine’s Day yet, but these dedicated demonstrators melted hearts (and snow) with their moving commitment to the tens of thousands of young Canadian harp seals who will soon be slaughtered for their skin. Show your love for the seals … Read more »

Animal Companions
Maine’s Fur-Free First Lady Puts Animals First

Maine might be known for its harsh winters, but you’ll never catch first lady Karen Baldacci wearing a real fur coat, no matter how far the mercury drops. PETA recently sent surveys to first ladies across the country asking whether they’ve joined Michelle Obama and France’s Carla Bruni-Sarkozy in shunning fur, and Baldacci was the … Read more »

Animal Companions
A Woeful Winter for D.C.’s Animals

Yesterday morning, walking to the D.C. Metro along the tenuous paths carved through the high banks of snow, the usual birdsong was missing. Then I heard a sparrow chirp and found a group of them sitting under a restaurant awning. I had cereal in a bag with me, so I scattered it under the awning, … Read more »

Animal Companions
Sun Li Wears Wings to Fight Fur

Chinese actor and angelic beauty Sun Li—star of Painted Skin and Iron Road—is storing up treasures in heaven by posing in PETA Asia’s latest anti-fur ad.       “Every piece of fur, even if it’s ‘just a little trim,’ means that an animal suffered horrendously. With all the warm, stylish alternatives available, there’s no … Read more »

Animal Companions
Who’s Who? Zee Attack of ‘Z’ Fur Hagz

Time once again to play “Who Wore It Worse?” First, try to identify today’s contestants, each of whom makes a point to let everyone know she’s married … to cruelty to animals.     On the left: When she’s not au naturel in her garden, she’s flaunting fur in the concrete jungle. If only she’d … Read more »

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