Animal Companions
BET Host Stars in New Ad

Rocsi Diaz, the bubbly and beautiful host of BET’s 106 & Park is known for bringing viewers the hottest music videos straight from the streets of Manhattan. But the Honduran mamacita recently stepped away from the streets to hang out on the beach with one of her adopted dogs, Chi Chi, and she used this … Read more »

Animal Companions
Thousands Killed in Baghdad

Some 58,000 stray dogs have been shot dead in Baghdad over the past three months, and people around the world are outraged. No animal deserves to be killed simply for the “crime” of not having a home But while we shake our heads in disgust over what’s happening overseas, frustrated that we can’t do anything … Read more »

Animal Companions
Fireworks: Terrifying Terriers Everywhere

ttarasiuk / CC by 2.0 For many Americans, Fourth of July celebrations represent copious amounts of barbecue, beer, and fireworks. But for animals, the holiday means terror, thanks to the thunderous explosions that typically start days before the official holiday and never seem to end. Desperate to escape the ear-shattering booms of fireworks displays, even … Read more »

Animal Companions
World’s Ugliest Profession

When she was found running loose in the streets of Clear Lake, California, the newly crowned “World’s Ugliest Dog,” Princess Abby, was suffering from a variety of ailments, including malnutrition, parasite infestation, and dental disease—but her worst problems were likely caused entirely by humans. Celebrity vet Karen “Doc” Halligan, one of the judges of the … Read more »

Animal Companions
Bristol Palin Prompts ‘Sex Talk’

With all the buzz about the guest appearance by Bristol Palin—whose unplanned pregnancy sparked controversy during her mother‘s 2008 vice-presidential campaign—on the July 5 episode of ABC Family’s The Secret Life of The American Teenager (a show all about teenage sex and pregnancy), what better time for PETA to bust out our notorious “Sex Talk” … Read more »

Animal Companions
Twi-Hards: Sink Your Teeth Into This

If you’re counting down the days until The Twilight Saga: Eclipse hits theaters, here are a few Twi “bites” to tide you over: Team Edward or Team Jacob? We’re not supposed to take sides here at PETA, but after seeing Robert Pattinson’s hilarious appearance on Jimmy Kimmel’s recent Twilight special—RPattz suggests that the wolf pack … Read more »

Animal Companions
The Scoop on ‘Dog Poop’ Ice Cream

We are not responsible for the elevated state of culture in the U.S., but … Inspired by a Delaware ice cream shop’s “booger” ice cream flavor, PETA is encouraging the shop to offer two other unusual treats: “dog poop” and “kitty litter” nondairy ice cream, with a portion of the proceeds used to help combat … Read more »

Animal Companions
PETA’s Plan to Save Hello Kitty

Jbowler93 / CC by 3.0 As a lifelong Hello Kitty fan, I nearly fell off my chair when I heard that Sanrio is looking for a new character to replace Kitty, who hasn’t been a hot seller lately. Um, hello? Sanrio, have you heard that there is a recession going on? It’s not Kitty’s fault. … Read more »

Animal Companions
For Sale: Pierce Brosnan’s Art

Mamma Mia! It’s official: Suave film star Pierce Brosnan is a man of many talents—and much compassion for animals. The actor’s whimsical portrait of his own adopted animal companions, Shilo the dog and Coco the kitty, is gracing California’s new spay-and-neuter license plate. Proceeds from sales of the special plate will help fund efforts to … Read more »

Animal Companions
It’s ‘Adopt a Shelter Cat’ Month!

The following post was originially published on PETA Prime. Just in time for “Adopt a Shelter Cat” Month comes some great news: In an Associated Press-Petside poll, more than half of respondents said that they plan to adopt their next cat or dog from an animal shelter—that’s more than seven times the number of people … Read more »

Animal Companions
The Biggest Winner in Bob Harper’s Life

We were already crushing on The Biggest Loser‘s tough-love trainer Bob Harper after he went vegetarian and then signed on to the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine’s 21-Day Vegan Kickstart program. But we’re in full-on love after learning that Bob adopted his new canine companion from an animal shelter, saying, “It just kills me when … Read more »

Animal Companions
Ron Artest: Playing Defense for Animals

The NBA finals are upon us, and Los Angeles Lakers small forward Ron Artest is up to his old tricks—playing lock-down defense on Paul Pierce of the Boston Celtics and bringing his patented passion and energy to a Lakers team that acquired him in the off-season for just that reason. Artest may be vying for … Read more »

Animal Companions
Watch ‘Sex and the City 2’ Here …

Share on Facebook | Viewing OptionsEmbed<embed src=”” _mce_src=”” quality=”high” pluginspage=”” type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” width=”335″ height=”255″ allowscriptaccess=”always”></embed>   My bad. I meant “Sex and the Kitty,” PETA’s hilarious ad promoting spaying and neutering. I guess I got a little Carried away because Sex and the City 2 hits theaters today. A funny take on a serious matter, SATK … Read more »

Animal Companions
Cloris Leachman: Condoms Don’t Work

Over the years, Cloris Leachman has won numerous awards for her acting (my fave: Nurse Diesel). Her fancy footwork drew applause (and kisses) on Dancing With the Stars. And the longtime vegetarian turned heads everywhere when she became one of PETA’s Lettuce Ladies. Now Cloris is drawing rave reviews for her appearance in a hilarious … Read more »

Animal Companions
Will You Sign Up to Put PETA’s Sign Up?

PETA’s spay-or-neuter billboard was erected today, promising to reach not only Nadya Suleman’s immediate community in La Habra but also a national one, thanks to a ton of media coverage. Because of our offer to “Octomom,” we received a lot of calls, e-mails, and blog comments from people who thought that their yards would be … Read more »

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