Animal Companions
My Hard Lesson About ‘No Kill’

I volunteered at a “no kill” cat shelter before coming to PETA. There, I saw firsthand why “no kill” policies do not work. The cats at the shelter were confined to small cages, and many had been there for years, including one poor 11-year-old girl who had been caged since kittenhood. PETA’s Community Animal Project … Read more »

Animal Companions
Office Dogs Make Everyone Happy

One of the perks of working in PETA’s offices is that we get to share our work space with the dogs who go to work with their guardians. As enjoyable as it is for us, though, the dogs are the ones who benefit the most because they aren’t left home alone all day. Here are … Read more »

Animal Companions
‘Mutts’ Creator Helps Prevent More Mutts

I just received the gift of a 2012 calendar illustrated by Mutts artist Patrick McDonell to go along with my PETA “Rescued” calendar. But my walls won’t be the only ones sporting the designs of this talented and compassionate artist in the new year. PETA’s mobile SNIP (Spay and Neuter Immediately, Please!) clinic received a … Read more »

Animal Companions
Cat Survives 200-Mile Car Ride—in Engine

A cat miraculously survived being trapped in the engine of a car during a 200-mile trip. The cat was discovered when the driver of the car stopped at a rest stop after smelling something burning. With the help of a passing police officer, the driver was able to free the cat, who was wedged in … Read more »

Animal Companions
A Dog’s Christmas Wish

Sophie is a rescued dog who accompanies PETA Vice President Lisa Lange to work at PETA’s Los Angeles office. Not to be outdone by Bubbles, Sophie has also written to Kris Kringle, asking him to help less fortunate dogs.

Animal Companions
‘Spay While You Can,’ Says the Cat on the Van

When PETA suffered a “van down” earlier this year, longtime President’s Circle members Adam and Leni Sender stepped up to the plate. The Sender family—tireless animal advocates who have opened their home to numerous rescued animals, including a refugee from Hurricane Katrina—donated the money for PETA to buy a new and improved van, and we … Read more »

Animal Companions
R.I.P., World’s Oldest Mutt

© Audrey Coleman Pusuke, who held the Guinness World Record for being the oldest living dog, died in Japan on December 5, 2011. He was 26 years and 9 months old. He was also a mutt. Coincidence? Not likely. Mixed-breed dogs like Pusuke tend to be healthier than their “purebred” cousins, because purebreds are often … Read more »

Animal Companions
Gas Chambers: Alive & Killing in Your State?

Anderson Cooper recently welcomed Daniel to his show, a 5-year-old dog who survived being gassed at an Alabama animal control facility. Reportedly, Daniel was crammed into a gas chamber in Florence, Alabama, with four other dogs. Carbon-monoxide gas was pumped into the chamber for a “standard 17 minute cycle.” When workers opened the chamber door … Read more »

Animal Companions
Photo of the Month: Look, Ma—No Babies!

Don’t let your dog or cat appear on 16 Weeks and Pregnant. Spay and neuter.  

Animal Companions
The Most Abused Dogs on Earth

Rocky, like so many other pit bulls, was used as a living burglar alarm. He was kept outdoors in all weather extremes, chained to a flimsy doghouse, with no life, no love―no nothin’. Brutus had broken free of his chain and gotten his ear nearly ripped off by another dog, but his owner was oblivious … Read more »

Animal Companions
The Best Christmas Gift Ever

If you can’t bear the thought of wrapping up another video game or pair of gloves, why not give your loved ones the gift of alleviating animal suffering? We’ve rolled out our PETA Presents website just in time for the holidays, and the site features gifts from $5 to $500 that protect animals every time … Read more »

Animal Companions
The Worst Christmas Gift Ever

The holidays. A couple of months filled with holiday cheer, carols, and snowflakes—followed by a flood of animals being dumped at shelters. That’s because after the hustle and bustle—after discovering the cute little puppy under the tree wearing a big red bow—come the puddles on the carpet, the walks in the cold, the chewed-up shoes, … Read more »

Animal Companions
‘Twilight’ Star Shines for Adopted Animals

A round of applause, please. A new AP-Petside poll reveals that more than half of companion-animal guardians adopted their animals, with one-third of people taking in strays off the streets and another third adopting animals from shelters, rather than buying them from breeders or pet stores, which contribute to the animal homelessness crisis. Looks like … Read more »

Animal Companions
Ace’s Euthanasia Sparks Controversy

A big brouhaha erupted after the Detroit Animal Control Center euthanized an emaciated, injured and extremely ill dog named Ace (after the hardware store into which he painfully stumbled before being rescued off the streets) on Thursday. Photos of Ace make it abundantly clear that he was suffering; they show him looking weak, hunched over, … Read more »

Animal Companions
Dog Rescued From Afghanistan Needs a Home

“Total angel.” “Sweetest dog I’ve ever met.” “Someone is going to be very, very lucky.” Those are just a few of the comments heard around our Norfolk, Virginia, headquarters about Gracie, a 3-year-old dog rescued from Afghanistan. Even though she bears the scars of a harrowing life in a war zone, Gracie enthusiastically greets everyone … Read more »

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