Animal Companions
What a Difference a Day Makes for Animals!

On one balmy day in March, PETA’s “SNIP-Mobile” (Spay and Neuter Immediately, Please!) and our Holland M. Ware mobile spay-and-neuter clinic “snipped” 46 cats and 10 dogs, preventing hundreds of kittens and puppies from being born! Adding Up Quickly Multiply those numbers by hundreds of days in a single year, and it’s easy to see … Read more »

Animal Companions
Victory! Shelter Dogs Beat Out Breeders

When Kansas Representative Ed Trimmer sponsored House Bill 2513, proposing that the cairn terrier, best known because a dog of that breed played Toto in The Wizard of Oz, be named the state’s official dog, he said that he expected to be “barked at.” But the growl that PETA let out in a letter to … Read more »

Animal Companions
Overheard: Hollywood Gossip (March 2, 2012)

Here’s one thing that dog and cat people can agree on: Jennifer Aniston and Jay Leno’s conversation on The Tonight Show about their rescued animals and the importance of adoption was the bee’s knees. You can catch fellow adoption advocate Carrie Ann Inaba on both the tube and YouTube when she launches her Web show, … Read more »

Animal Companions
Kittens From Caboodle Need Loving Home

To look at 5-month-old siblings Bronson and Felix now, it’s hard to picture them as the sickly newborn kittens a PETA investigator discovered at Caboodle Ranch, Inc., a no-kill hellhole that was raided this week after masquerading as a “cat rescue sanctuary.” On Monday, based on evidence that PETA gathered during a five-month undercover investigation, … Read more »

Animal Companions
‘No Kill’ No Excuse for Hoarding—Solution Is ‘No Birth’

As viewers of the popular reality shows about hoarders can likely confirm, peering inside the homes of people who suffer from the psychological compulsion to collect things has a certain morbid attraction, until you realize the toll it takes on the families of the afflicted—and it’s far worse when the “things” they’re collecting are living, … Read more »

Animal Companions
Why ‘No-Kill Shelters’ Make Animals Rely on Us Now More Than Ever

The length of the current economic downturn has taken its toll both on people—many of whom are struggling to find housing and jobs—and on the animals who depend on them. As a result, animal shelters are receiving record numbers of abandoned animals, stretching their already limited resources to capacity. Overcrowding at a limited admission (no-kill) … Read more »

Animal Companions
Meet Some of the Animals We Helped in 2011

PETA’s SNIP (Spay and Neuter Immediately, Please!) clinics and Community Animal Project (CAP) are on the job year-round to help animals in need in Virginia and North Carolina—and in 2011, they succeeded again and again in improving the lives of animals and the people who care about them. SNIP‘s fleet of mobile spay-and-neuter clinics has … Read more »

Animal Companions
Pepper’s Story: Justice for a Forgotten Victim

PETA and other Virginia animal shelters have just submitted to the state the numbers of animals they received, found wonderful homes for, reunited with guardians, had to euthanize, or were able to release back into nature in 2011. Because numbers can’t begin to tell each animal’s story, let me describe one of those animals: Pepper. … Read more »

Animal Companions
Protesters Disrupt Westminster Dog Show

You may recall the protesters who took to the center ring at the Westminster Kennel Club dog show a couple of years ago. Well, it happened again earlier today just as the judge stepped up to announce which dog was “Best in Show.” Two animal advocates rushed toward the ring with signs reading, “Breeders Kill … Read more »

Animal Companions
Celebrity Real Estate Expert Lists PETA as #1

Realtor to the stars and Million Dollar Listing celebrity Chad Rogers has a million-dollar idea: Encourage people to adopt their animal companions from animal shelters and donate to PETA’s doghouse program. In an exclusive interview, Chad—joined, of course, by his canine family member, Starla—talks with PETA about doing both: Chad spends his days brokering some … Read more »

Animal Companions
Kittens Killed in Neighborhood Feud

We don’t know what started the feud between a man (we’ll call him “George”) and his neighbors. We only know that when George fled his home to escape the wrath of his neighbors for a few days, he left the mother cat he had taken in as a stray and her three 7-week-old kittens behind … Read more »

Animal Companions
Welcome Home, Gracie!

It took months and several news stories about her plight, but Gracie, the spunky three-legged, earless dog who was rescued by an American soldier in Afghanistan and fostered by PETA staffers, has finally found a home. After Gracie was featured in The Virginian-Pilot, her story touched the heart of Virginia Beach teacher Beth Hall, whose … Read more »

Animal Companions
Lawsuit: Dogs Are People Too

In what could prove to be a groundbreaking case for the legal rights of animals, New Yorker Elena Zakharova is suing a pet store because of the chronic pain that her dog, Umka, suffers from as a result of hip and knee problems, which she attributes to the dog’s puppy mill origins. While New York … Read more »

Animal Companions
Irish Eyes Are Smiling Over Puppy Mill Law

If your dogs’ tails are wagging a little more today, maybe they’ve heard the news that Ireland has cracked down on puppy mills! (Note to U.S. legislators: What’s the holdup?) The new Irish laws took effect on New Year’s Day, outlawing the horrific conditions—including cramped enclosures, filth, malnutrition, exposure, disease, and a lack of socialization … Read more »

Animal Companions
Check Out This (Re)view!

Did you know that PETA did some wonderful things in 2011 that you probably didn’t read about in the newspapers? I do—because I’ve read PETA’s latest annual report, and you can too. Here’s a sample of the interesting stuff that you’ll find in just the “Year in Numbers” section alone: ©iStockphoto/ Andrew Helwich PETA’s SNIP … Read more »

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