Cher Tells Cold, Lonely ‘Outdoor Dogs,’ ‘You’ve Got Me, Babe’

The Goddess of Pop is also a goddess to pups. When Cher tweeted, asking for information from PETA on how to help dogs left to face the harsh winter weather alone outdoors, many of her fans responded, and PETA sent her information on our “Angels for Animals” doghouse sponsorship program. Elsewhere on Twitter, Miley Cyrus showed us … Read more »

Shocking How the ‘No-Kill’ Label Hurts Animals

We’ve learned, haven’t we, when you are told “You’re a winner!” that there’s some fine print and a catch. The same is true with the magic words that imply that dogs and cats are winners, too: “no kill”! Here, too, there is fine print, and it can be much more damaging than finding that you … Read more »

How ‘No-Kill’ Fails Animals: The List Keeps Growing

Anyone who has a hard time understanding why PETA hasn’t hopped onto the “no-kill” bandwagon should have a look at this long list of failures of limited-admission (i.e., “no-kill”) shelters and rescues. There have been so many raids, busts, and seizures that we can’t even be sure that we have kept up with them all. … Read more »

Dog Shot, Abandoned, Rescued, and Adopted

When PETA’s Community Animal Project (CAP) fieldworkers first met the sickly Lab mix they had received a call about, her condition broke their hearts. She was covered with fleas and ticks, was malnourished from too many days of going hungry, and was limping because of an injured back leg. Her owner had skipped town, pausing … Read more »

L.A. Ban Passes, Giving Shelter Animals Hope

Update: Great news! The Los Angeles City Council has passed the ban on selling dogs, cats, and rabbits from breeders and puppy mills in pet stores. Those stores will now be required to adopt out homeless animals from shelters instead. This is a heaven-sent victory for homeless animals in the City of Angels—let’s hope it inspires … Read more »

Kitten Gets No Help From ‘No-Kill’ Shelters

 When a Houston woman found a skinny kitten covered with fleas, she began calling “no-kill” shelters looking for somewhere to take the animal, not knowing that these types of shelters are usually full and offer no help. Frustrated and worried, she called PETA.   We encouraged the caller to bring the kitten indoors right away … Read more »

Photo: Timid Dog Finds Her Feet

When PETA India Science Policy Adviser Dr. Chaitanya Koduri and his wife, Vidya, found Laila, she was a terrified puppy alone on the streets of Mumbai. But after the couple welcomed her into their home, giving her the care and affection that every dog deserves, Laila blossomed into, as Dr. Koduri describes, “this beautiful, naughty girl … Read more »

How Coco Went From Rags to Riches

Once upon a time, there was a sweet little girl named Coco. Like Cinderella and Snow White before her, Coco faced true hardship. When Prince Charming PETA’s fieldworkers found her, she was chained to a trampoline—which served as her only “shelter”—and her coat was badly matted, as you can see: The fieldworkers, though, instantly recognized the … Read more »

Midnight the Miracle Cat Has Sunny Future

Update: Midnight has been adopted! Her gloomy past behind her, this free-spirited gal has now been renamed Indie. Her new family reports that she is relishing the safe, comfortable indoor life and that she acts like she has known her canine sister, River, who is also a PETA rescue, for years. Indie has discovered catnip, … Read more »

14 (Adorable) Arguments for Adoption

Fun fact: October is National Adopt-a-Shelter-Dog Month. And PETA—always an advocate for adoption—knows just how you can celebrate: Adopt a dog from a shelter already! Buying a dog from a pet store or breeder means one fewer home for a dog in a shelter—adding to the millions of dogs and cats who must be euthanized … Read more »

Animals Who Dream of Having the Day Off

While most of us are grilling veggie dogs in the park or sipping drinks by the pool this Labor Day, working animals won’t have it so easy.

See What ELAN Has to Say About Animals

ELAN, the übertalented band out of Guadalajara, Mexico, represents a unique voice in rock ‘n’ roll—and now they’re urging everyone to speak up for animals. In both English- and Spanish-language interviews with PETA, brother-and-sister band members Elán (lead singer) and Jan Carlo DeFan (guitar) explain why animals deserve our consideration, how the overpopulation crisis causes … Read more »

Thirteen Is Lucky Number of Rescued Dogs

After observing a large number of dogs who were living in filthy conditions, chained, breeding, fighting, or confined to hot areas—and getting no help from local animal control—a caring person notified PETA, and one of its caseworkers jumped into action. The miserable pups were covered with fleas and living without veterinary care or socialization. Two … Read more »

794 Animals Spared ‘Hot Summer Nights’

For animals, a summer romance can mean adding to the overpopulation crisis. But after July, nearly 800 animals near PETA’s Norfolk, Virginia, headquarters won’t have to worry about “getting in trouble”—like Rizzo.  PETA’s mobile veterinary clinics “snipped” 794 animals, including 154 whose families couldn’t afford spay and neuter surgeries and 40 who couldn’t get to … Read more »

‘The Real L Word’ Is Coming Out—Again

As part of the cast of The Real L Word, Whitney Mixter and Sara Bettencourt are all about being out and proud. And the couple says that it’s everyone’s responsibility to be out and proud advocates for animals. While Showtime offers T-shirts that proclaim the wearer’s crush on Whitney, she thinks wearing an animal rights … Read more »

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