‘Maxim’ Names Animal Friend Miley Cyrus the Hottest Woman in the World

We think animals would agree with Maxim readers’ choice for the top spot on the “Hot 100” list of the sexiest women in the world. Besides being a model guardian for her rescued dogs and a staunch adoption advocate, Miley Cyrus has worked to get horses who are forced to pull carriages off New York … Read more »

If You Give a Puppy an Office Chair …

When a PETA staffer left her desk for a few minutes, she returned to find that the sweetest case of theft ever had occurred. The culprit was Franco, a 7-week-old puppy who is greatly increasing the office’s cuteness quotient while he awaits his forever home. When Franco was first surrendered to PETA, we feared that … Read more »

PETA Pushes for Females to Start Birth Control Before Age 15

The Food and Drug Administration just lowered the age at which girls can get the Plan B oral contraceptive without a prescription to 15. Critics argue that that’s too young, but PETA insists that birth control should start as early as 8 weeks—for puppies and kittens. It’s called “prepubescent sterilization,” and to illustrate our point, we’re … Read more »

Neglected Pit Bull Rescued by PETA Gets Justice

In February, two PETA staffers volunteering with our Community Animal Project’s straw-delivery program came upon a malnourished pit bull caged in a Portsmouth, Virginia, backyard, and living in filth.  The pen in which Blackie was kept 24/7 was “wall-to-wall” trash, filth, and feces. There was no food, no drinkable water, and no adequate shelter from the elements. … Read more »

Neil Everett: MVP for Animals

We adore ESPN sportscaster Neil Everett not just because he loves The Big Lebowski or because he hails from Portland, one of the most vegan-friendly cities on the continent, or for his lovable sense of humor and the fact that he has interviewed a duck. We love him 10 times more because he always roots … Read more »

World’s Cutest Dogs Are Up for Adoption

Why are the staffers at the Sam Simon Center—PETA’s Norfolk, Virginia, headquarters—having a hard time getting their work done right now? Because two little pups are making for one big distraction. Daisy and Cupcake are as beautiful and sweet as their names suggest. They were given up by someone whose dachshund and Chihuahua didn’t get … Read more »

Helping Dogs and Cats in a Big Way (Infographic)

Just what exactly is PETA doing to help combat the animal overpopulation crisis and provide vulnerable animals with assistance? This infographic breaks it down:   What You Can Do Help animals in your neighborhood as well as low-income areas get spayed and neutered, promote adoption from animal shelters instead of buying from breeders or pet stores, and … Read more »

Rescued Animals Are Finally Home for Good

Little Olivia was found in a warehouse district and brought to PETA by a distraught worker. She needed round-the-clock veterinary care to treat an infection that almost left her blind, anemia so severe that she was a candidate for a blood transfusion, and advanced malnutrition. Soon, Olivia slowly started to regain her strength. She had clearly been … Read more »

Euthanasia: We Won’t Run From What Needs to Be Done!

PETA is proud to continue to stand tall and roll up its sleeves to help animals.

A Tale of Two PETA Dogs

When people talk about PETA’s euthanasia statistics, those aren’t just abstract figures to me—my dog was one of those animals. Kodah, aka “Bug,” was technically “taken into custody and euthanized within 24 hours.” It was more like euthanized in minutes. That’s because she was dying. Kodah-Bug was diagnosed with cancer on a Friday and went … Read more »

Rescued Cat Needs a Home

Poor little Olivia was a 5-pound skeleton with fur when a man found her wandering outside the warehouse where he works, just a few miles from PETA’s headquarters at the Sam Simon Center in Norfolk, Virginia. She was suffering from an apparent sinus infection, which had caused her cheeks to balloon to the point that … Read more »

No Room in Their Moving Van—or Hearts—for the Dog

If you’ve ever wondered why we have a dog and cat overpopulation crisis, which is so bad that 6 to 8 million “pets” enter animal shelters every year—and that’s not even counting the millions of strays who never make it to shelters—look no further than Halley. This mother dog was left to survive as best … Read more »

Goodbye, Our Little Rock Star—We Still Love You So

It breaks our hearts to report the passing of Roxie “Rock Star” Patterson, a little wiggly slip of a dog with an exuberant personality as big as a 20,000-seat stadium. Roxie was rescued 11 years ago by PETA cruelty caseworkers after one of the other dogs in her home killed the family’s cat and started … Read more »

Dog Loses Eye but Sees Better Life

The little dachshund was allowed to roam, and that’s what he was doing when he probably got attacked by another dog, sustaining an eye injury that became painfully abscessed and swollen. Untreated, Slim’s infected eye bulged grotesquely out of its socket. When PETA learned about Slim, we pressured local animal control officials to compel the … Read more »

Westminster Is Over—but Its Legacy Is Just Beginning

The pomp and pageantry of the Westminster dog show is over. Many of the dogs have been shipped back to their breeders after living in their handlers’ crates for years. Now, the females will be forced to bear litter after litter of puppies, only to have them all taken away to be sold. Every year following … Read more »

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