Animal Companions
Want a Little Coco in Your Life?

When PETA’s fieldworker found her, Coco weighed just 19 pounds, less than half her expected bodyweight of 45 pounds.

Animal Companions
Update: Chubby Chihuahua Gets a Home

Bruno will surely continue to shed pounds by going on regular “play dates” at the dog park and taking long daily walks, one of his favorite pastimes.

Animal Companions
‘No-kill’ Is Not the Answer to Animal Homelessness

The following was written by Ingrid E. Newkirk. Some people are suggesting that the solution to dog and cat overpopulation lies with so-called “no-kill” animal shelters. If this were true, PETA would be their strongest proponent. But people engaged in real sheltering work know that “no-kill” creates even more problems for animals and “no birth” … Read more »

Animal Companions
14 Reasons Why Today Isn’t the ‘Most Boring Day in Sports’

Pity the poor sports fan. Today is the dreaded Most Boring Day in Sports. No baseball, no basketball, no football, no hockey. Absolutely no excuse not to mow the lawn, wash the car, or do any number of other tedious household chores that can usually be deferred with “But honey, the game’s on!” But wait—all … Read more »

Animal Companions
Weekend Update: Kevin Nealon Visits PETA’s Spay/Neuter Clinic

Families who took their dogs and cats to PETA’s SNIP (Spay and Neuter Immediately, Please!) clinic Saturday got a free or low-cost surgery for their animals—and a tickle for their own funny bones. While SNIP staff checked families in, comedian and longtime PETA supporter Kevin Nealon cracked them up. Kevin told jokes, took pictures with … Read more »

Animal Companions
Chubby Chihuahua Just Wants to Be Cherished

Bruno is nearly perfect in every way. He’s a 5-year-old Chihuahua mix who’s cute as a button, house-trained, happy-go-lucky, outgoing, and affectionate, and he gets along well with other dogs and cats.

Animal Companions
How the AKC Kills Shelter Dogs’ Chances at Life

Every dog deserves a loving family, but the

Animal Companions
Doing the Math Shows ‘No-Kill’ Is Not the Answer

Put the blame where it should be: on breeders who continue to churn out puppies and kittens and on negligent and uncaring people who treat their animals as disposable objects or who don’t spay or neuter them, instead allowing them to breed.

Animal Companions
PETA’s Seven Cutest Cat Ads Ever

In honor of “Adopt a Shelter Cat” Month, here are some of our favorite cute cats and cool kittens: 1. Lil Bub knows that being the Web’s favorite cat is serious business. She uses her platform to encourage people to spay and neuter, to say no to declawing, to adopt instead of buying, and to be … Read more »

Animal Companions
Mayoral ‘Candigato’ Urged to Fix Mexican Town’s ‘Kittyzens’

U.S. citizens are hardly alone in their frustration with government officials. In the town of Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico, two residents have proposed electing a cat to be mayor. This is no yarn: The designated candigato, Morris, has seen his popularity soar—at least on Facebook—so PETA has sent the cute contender a letter asking him to … Read more »

Animal Companions
Don’t Be Fooled by No-Kill Proponents’ Smoke and Mirrors

When no-kill animal shelters and rescue groups are filled to capacity, which is almost always, they are left with two options: turn away more animals than they take in or warehouse animals.

Animal Companions
You’ll Never Guess What Was in the Cardboard Box

When a woman driving along a muddy rural Virginia road stopped at an intersection, she spotted a soggy, disintegrating cardboard box sitting on the shoulder. Curious, she got out to investigate. Imagine her surprise when she opened the box and saw nine pairs of eyes staring back at her. She called animal control officers to … Read more »

Animal Companions
Emma Roberts and Evan Peters Adopt a Dog

It’s a girl for Emma Roberts and Evan Peters! After the couple adopted a beautiful dog named Audrey Hepburn, PETA sent the trio a basket filled with toys, treats, and our “Always Root for the Underdog” tees. | cc by 2.0 In other celeb news, Alicia Silverstone wants to see animal abusers pay. So when she learned … Read more »

Animal Companions
An Adoption That Was Meant to ‘Bea’

Remember Bea, the extremely cute dog we told you about last month? After we featured her on this blog and on our Facebook page, a kind woman spotted her irresistible mug and, well, couldn’t resist it. But what really sealed the deal was the fact that Bea was the woman’s grandmother’s name, so she figured … Read more »

Animal Companions
Kids Put the ‘Rad’ in Colorado

Accompanied by his own former “shelter dog”, Sky, Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper signed a bill into law last week naming animals adopted from shelters Colorado’s official “state pet.” Colorado is the first state to distinguish—and promote the adoption of—animals from shelters in this way. The law was spearheaded by students at Peakview School in Walsenburg and … Read more »

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