Animal Companions
PETA Cancels ‘Adoption is Forever’ Billboard

PETA cancels plans to run a pro-adoption ad campaign because of a controversial situation leading to the reconsideration of ‘re-homing’ laws.

Animal Companions
Bob Barker Visits Namesake Building—PETA’s Los Angeles Office!

On Friday, March 13, PETA celebrated five years since the ribbon cutting of our beautiful Bob Barker building in Los Angeles. Guess who came by to help us celebrate? We were thrilled to express our thanks for Mr. Barker’s incredible generosity and everything he has done to help animals throughout his career. Here’s a look at all … Read more »

Animal Companions
Spay Day Turns Into a Snow Day

Dozens of people brave snow and sub-freezing temperatures to attend PETA’s World Spay Day clinic.

Animal Companions
The Billboard That Shines a Light on Dog Shows’ Dark Side

Attendees at a Denver dog show are squirming after PETA’s billboard points out the uncomfortable truth: Breeders kill shelter dogs’ chances.

White dog photo © Isselee |; Dog Behind Bars © Brandenburg
Animal Companions
Helping Animals Isn’t as Simple as a ‘Save Rate’ (Graphic)

A high “save rate” at an animal shelter sounds appealing, but what does it mean for animals?

Animal Companions
PETA’s Spay-Neuter Clinics: Miracles Performed Daily

It was a banner year for PETA’s fleet of low- to no-cost mobile spay-neuter clinics, which sterilized nearly 11,000 dogs and cats.

Animal Companions
What Happens When Animals Are Failed by Their Last Refuge?

Homeless animals need help now, not when “no-kill” shelters get around to it.

Animal Companions
How Can $15 Save Thousands of Lives?

We’re making 2015 a happier new year for cats and dogs by offering local residents the deal of the year: $15 spay-neuter surgeries all month long.

Animal Companions
Hopeless No More: Meet Some of the Animals PETA Helped Last Month (Graphic)

From delivering doghouses to alleviating suffering to putting the brakes on animal births, it was a banner month for PETA’s fieldworkers and mobile clinics.

Animal Companions
Barks, Brews, and Snips: Oktoberfest, PETA Style

Free beer and $10 spay/neuter surgeries—to quote a classic beer commercial, “It doesn’t get any better than this.”

Animal Companions
New Mexico Group Proud New ‘Parents’ of PETA’s ABC Clinic

A New Mexico animal protection group breathes new life into ex-PETA spay-and-neuter clinic.

Animal Companions
8 Reasons Not to Let Nature Run Its Course (GRAPHIC)

Most of the kittens born this summer won’t even survive six months.

Animal Companions
How Did Dogs ‘Saved From Euthanasia’ End Up Dead?

A gruesome discovery in a Tennessee barn has provided yet another example of how animals suffer and die when shelters become desperate to avoid euthanasia.

Animal Companions
200 Miles, 120 Surgeries, Thousands of Lives Saved

One of PETA’s mobile clinics drives halfway across the state to help “fix” animal homelessness.

Animal Companions
Why Is HBO’s ‘Real Sports’ Calling Foul on Dog Breeding?

HBO’s ‘Real Sports’ calls foul on greedy breeders for sacrificing dogs’ health to win at dog shows.

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