Animal Companions
‘No-Kill’ Horror Stories

Instead of focusing on the end result—euthanasia—we need to focus on how so many animals get to this point in the first place.

Animal Companions
A Glimpse Into PETA’s Cruelty Investigations Department

PETA’s cruelty caseworkers and fieldworkers are on call 24 hours a day to help animals close to home and all over the country.

Animal Companions
‘No-kill’ Is Not the Answer to Animal Homelessness

The following was written by Ingrid E. Newkirk. Some people are suggesting that the solution to dog and cat overpopulation lies with so-called “no-kill” animal shelters. If this were true, PETA would be their strongest proponent. But people engaged in real sheltering work know that “no-kill” creates even more problems for animals and “no birth” … Read more »

Animal Companions
Doing the Math Shows ‘No-Kill’ Is Not the Answer

Put the blame where it should be: on breeders who continue to churn out puppies and kittens and on negligent and uncaring people who treat their animals as disposable objects or who don’t spay or neuter them, instead allowing them to breed.

Animal Companions
Man Who Chained Dog in Garage Barred From Owning Animals

For at least three long years, Nigel’s “home” was a dark, waste-filled, and dank garage in Hampton, Virginia. Chained to a wall, the dog was never let out of the garage—ever—and was forced to live amid his own urine and feces. The chain had become rusty and corroded after years of being dragged through his … Read more »

Animal Companions
Euthanasia: We Won’t Run From What Needs to Be Done!

PETA is proud to continue to stand tall and roll up its sleeves to help animals.

Animal Companions
A Tale of Two PETA Dogs

When people talk about PETA’s euthanasia statistics, those aren’t just abstract figures to me—my dog was one of those animals. Kodah, aka “Bug,” was technically “taken into custody and euthanized within 24 hours.” It was more like euthanized in minutes. That’s because she was dying. Kodah-Bug was diagnosed with cancer on a Friday and went … Read more »

Animal Companions
Man and Horse Love Each Other Right to the End

For 34 years, Sally and her guardian were together nearly every day. The loving man doted on his horse, keeping her well cared for and giving her the run of his property. But Sally’s age was catching up with her. Her once-sparkling brown eyes had completely lost their sight, she was losing weight, and her … Read more »

Animal Companions
Why ‘Responsible Breeder’ Is an Oxymoron

Floyd was purchased from a California breeder, and like so many of the purebreds sold as mere “inventory” by puppy mills and other animal peddlers, the bulldog puppy’s health suffered because the breeder focused on the bottom line rather than proper care. So Young, So Much Suffering By mating related dogs, breeders are essentially inbreeders, leading to … Read more »

Animal Companions
Kitten Gets No Help From ‘No-Kill’ Shelters

 When a Houston woman found a skinny kitten covered with fleas, she began calling “no-kill” shelters looking for somewhere to take the animal, not knowing that these types of shelters are usually full and offer no help. Frustrated and worried, she called PETA.   We encouraged the caller to bring the kitten indoors right away … Read more »

Animal Companions
Injured Kitten Picked the Right Yard

A New York state man was shocked to see a tiny kitten drag himself into his yard by his two front paws. The lower half of the kitten’s body was smashed and limp, so he had likely been struck by a car and the driver had failed to stop and check on him. There is … Read more »

Animal Companions
A Young Cat Is Fading Fast. What to Do?

PETA’s Emergency Response Team received an e-mail from a woman wondering what to do for her ailing cat, who had been diagnosed with feline leukemia (FeLV) and was losing weight, acting lethargic, and not eating anymore (common symptoms of this ravaging disease). We responded immediately and learned that her young cat, Tigger, had been diagnosed … Read more »

Animal Companions
Woman Rescues Suffering Opossum

A PETA staffer walking to the Los Angeles office one morning spotted an opossum sitting in the middle of the road, bleeding from her mouth. Several men were jabbing her with sticks. Look closely: Even when injuries aren’t obvious, an animal may be suffering. With the help of several coworkers, the staffer cleared everyone from … Read more »

Animal Companions
A Long Happy Life and a Peaceful Release

Max the cat and his guardian had spent 20 happy years together. Of course, the time finally came when, because of Max’s advanced age, his health deteriorated. This always-friendly cat was losing weight fast, crying out often, and suffering from dementia. He even began biting people out of confusion or pain or both. Max’s guardian … Read more »

Animal Companions
Starving Cat Saved From Filthy Dumpster

A longtime PETA supporter in New York is dedicated to rescuing cats from the cruel streets. She has adopted several cats into her loving home and arranged for dying feral cats, including cats who had been hit by cars or were suffering from terminal diseases, to be euthanized. Her most recent rescue resulted from a … Read more »

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