5,000 Dogs, Other Animals Likely Bought Online Found Dead in Shipping Boxes

“It was like a living hell,” said one witness. “[T]he entire place reek[ed] of rotting bodies.”

Animal Companions
Thanks to PETA, Wiley Is Smiling Now

After being rescued by PETA from a rain-soaked crate, Wiley is looking for a new place to hang his Acme jet-propelled roller skates.

Animal Companions
9 Eye-Opening Takeaways From ‘Breaking the Chain’

“Breaking the Chain” highlights the meaningful work PETA’s fieldworkers do every single day—here are some important takeaways from the film.

PHOTOS: See Animal Rahat in Action During the Chinchali Fair in India!

See Animal Rahat in action—providing thousands of animals with emergency medical treatment, food, water, and relief—in photos and video footage captured during the 2020 Chinchali Fair.

‘Breaking the Chain’ Started a Movement—Help Dogs in Your Neighborhood

“Breaking the Chain” exposed a nationwide crisis of animal neglect. Here’s how you can help chained “backyard dogs” in your neighborhood right now.

Animal Companions
After 7+ Years in a Chain-Link Prison, Mingo Is Living Her Best Life

Imagine spending seven years locked inside a walk-in closet. That’s what life was like for Mingo before she was rescued by PETA.

Chained Puppies, an Orphaned Owl, and Many More Animals PETA Helped in July

From an orphaned owl to a suffering goose to doghouses delivered, here are some highlights from our field team, which came to the aid of animals in need.

Animal Companions
Dogs and Cats Starved and Abused at ‘Rescues’—Why Does This Keep Happening?

Ironically, authorities raid self-proclaimed “rescues” almost weekly to rescue animals from severe abuse and neglect. Make sure your support goes to the right place.

VIDEO: Terrified Military Macaw Screams After Being Shot

A shocking video from Durango, Mexico, shows a wild military macaw screaming in pain after being shot in the wing by a family who reportedly wanted to keep the bird as a “pet.”

Animal-Free Classrooms? PETA’s Hopes for Education in the Age of COVID-19

This fall, PETA hopes students returning to the classroom will find one thing missing: animals. Here’s why we must reshape and rethink education.

Herons, Opossums, Dogs—PETA Will Help Any Animal in Need Even in a Pandemic

Even during the pandemic, countless animals need PETA’s help every day. Here are some highlights from our field team, which came to the aid of animals in need.

Broken Bones, New Families—Animals Who Need Help Count on PETA Fieldworkers

It’s often the case that the only food, clean water, or loving touch that these animals ever receive comes from PETA’s dedicated field team.

Man Tortures, Kills Hamsters He Says He Bought at PetSmart

PetSmart sells helpless animals to anyone who can pay. The chain reportedly sold vulnerable hamsters to someone who tortured and killed them.

BREAKING: 21 North Carolina PetSmart Stores Told to Shape Up

Records show that a dog named Beethoven who developed an inflamed scrotum while being boarded at a PetSmart kennel wasn’t given veterinary care. His suffering must have been awful.

BREAKING: PetSmart Stores Cited for 70+ Animal Welfare Violations

At one store, a lethargic bearded dragon who wasn’t eating was held for more than three weeks without receiving veterinary care. The suffering must have been terrible.

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