Animal Companions
It’s a Bird. It’s a Plane. It’s PETA!

You might have noticed in your holiday travels that airlines have been cutting back on a lot in order to save money, which is bad news for people who depend on those dry-roasted peanuts and tiny packs of pretzels for mile-high sustenance. Some airlines, such as US Airways, are considering placing ads on their overhead … Read more »

Animal Companions
Post Your Confessions …

Fans of PostSecret will be familiar with the format here—members, employees, and friends of PETA have been uploading stories about their companion animals and things they wish they’d done differently in taking care of them. Given the opportunity, I think we’d all make a few changes if we had a chance to go back and … Read more »

Animal Companions
Dogfighting Now a Felony in 50 States!

Huge thumbs up to Wyoming and Idaho! It’s wonderful to have legislators in all 50 states recognize that forcing dogs to tear each other to shreds in a bloody pit is a felony level crime that must be taken seriously. Sometimes a high-profile scandal like the Vick case shocks people in high places into officially … Read more »

Animal Companions
L.A. Passes Spay/Neuter Ordinance!

The mandatory spay/neuter ordinance, which I was talking up this week on the blog, passed today at the Van Nuys City Council meeting with a 10-1 vote! There is still one more vote to take place next week which will finalize it, but the decision will be made based on simple majority. According to my … Read more »

Animal Companions
Deflocked, by Jeff Corriveau

Deflocked, baby. Deflocked. Click for a larger version To check out the archives of past strips, click here.

Animal Companions
L.A. Considers Mandatory Spay/Neuter

The Los Angeles City Council has just announced that a meeting will be held on Friday morning to discuss a historic ordinance that would require virtually all dogs and cats in Los Angeles to be spayed or neutered. If you happen to live in L.A. and have an urge to whisper sweet words of encouragement … Read more »

Animal Companions
Schumacher Furs Pays PETA’s Legal Fees

A sign in the window of Schumacher Furs during a lawful protest against the cruelty of the fur industryGreenisthenewred/Creative Commons You may remember that the good people over at Schumacher Furs saw fit to sue PETA when their store in downtown Portland was closed following regular protests by local activists and concerned citizens. There were … Read more »

Animal Companions
Fish and Chimps!

I don’t know if they’re trying to put me out of business or what, but PETA Europe have just launched their very own blog, dedicated to all things animal rights, except, like, from a British perspective. So you can expect a lot of references to Eastenders and veggie bangers and mash. But they have brought … Read more »

Animal Companions
Naked Protesters Slam Fur Industry in Barcelona

Seems like there’s been quite a bit of naked going on lately, especially with all the work that went into putting together this year’s glorious State of the Union Undress, but these images—from a recent anti-fur demonstration in Barcelona—are way too good to pass up. Dozens of activists gathered to draw attention to the cruelty … Read more »

Animal Companions
PetSmart Responds to Our Investigation

Here’s what PetSmart spokesman Bruce Richardson had to say when he was asked about the shocking video footage revealed by our recent investigation into a PetSmart supplier in Texas: “I don’t know what those images say. … Just because you see a dead pet, does that mean there was abuse? No. Pets die, particularly when … Read more »

Animal Companions
Facebook Giving Challenge!

Yeah, I know. It’s not exactly the most exciting thing in the world. In fact, the exclamation point in the title may have been more wishful thinking on my part than actual exuberance. But for anyone who’s a) on Facebook, and b) in possession of a little bit of extra spending money, this really is … Read more »

Animal Companions
State of the Union Undress: 2008!

We feel extremely confident in guaranteeing that our State of the Union is going to be a whole hell of a lot sexier.

Animal Companions
Sheriff J.B. Smith Wins Me Over

I’ve written a fair amount about Sheriff J.B. Smith over the past couple of weeks, related to a back and forth he’s been having with us over a letter we wrote to him asking that he put an accused cannibal in his charge on a vegetarian diet. Well, the sheriff (who’s obviously doing a bang-up … Read more »

Animal Companions
UConn Made to Return Grant Money

We’re just doing our part to help get a bit of money back for the government. And by “we,” I mean my colleague Justin Goodman, who, as a graduate student at the University of Connecticut, worked tirelessly to expose the hideous experiments carried out by David “The Butcher” Waitzman (I just made that nickname up, … Read more »

Animal Companions
PETA Pig on the Campaign Trail in S.C.

You hear politicians and journalists complain all the time about how grueling it is to follow the campaign trail, but none of those guys ever had to do it in a pink pig costume (to my knowledge). So I want to take a moment to recognize my colleague Ashley Byrne and the brave PETA interns … Read more »

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