Animal Companions
The Not-So-Great Outdoors

A cat was found in the back of someone’s garage, emaciated, anemic, and suffering in the final stages of feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), which attacks cats’ immune systems much like HIV does in humans. Several people in the neighborhood had been feeding her and noticed that she was eating less and losing weight, but no … Read more »

Animal Companions
‘Storm’s Law’ Could End Chaining

Her story is a haunting reminder of why it should be illegal to chain dogs. Storm was just 2 years old when she strangled to death at the end of her chain after being chained up outdoors like a rusty old bicycle and left unsupervised. After calls about Storm’s horrific death flooded our office, PETA … Read more »

Animal Companions
A Gentle Hand for the Toughest Cases

Over the last couple of days, we’ve told you about some of the ways that PETA worked in 2011 to end the suffering of animals in its own “backyard”—southern Virginia and northeastern North Carolina. PETA staffers are in the field every day working with guardians and local authorities, delivering doghouses and straw, providing transport to … Read more »

Animal Companions
Celebrity Real Estate Expert Lists PETA as #1

Realtor to the stars and Million Dollar Listing celebrity Chad Rogers has a million-dollar idea: Encourage people to adopt their animal companions from animal shelters and donate to PETA’s doghouse program. In an exclusive interview, Chad—joined, of course, by his canine family member, Starla—talks with PETA about doing both: Chad spends his days brokering some … Read more »

Animal Companions
Kisses & Hisses

Some folks made Christmas merry, while others are in need of making some serious New Year’s resolutions to shape up: Kisses to hip international clothier Mango. The retailer will no longer sell fur or exotic-animal skins. Hisses to Essence magazine for featuring real animal pelts alongside their far more attractive—and humane—faux counterparts in a gallery … Read more »

Animal Companions
‘Puss in Boots’ Is the Cat’s Meow

© David Thompson/ Even while admitting to myself that I was probably well past the target age for Puss in Boots, I couldn’t resist the allure of the swashbuckling, lady-killing feline hero. I wasn’t disappointed. This movie has plenty for young and old alike, from madcap adventures to the hilarity of Antonio Banderas‘ smooth, … Read more »

Animal Companions
Ohioans Call for Ban on Captive Wild Animals

Following last week’s killing of dozens of wild animals in Zanesville, Ohio, PETA supporters gathered in front of the Ohio statehouse today calling on Gov. John Kasich to ban ownership of wild animals as “pets” immediately, before other tragedies occur. Earlier this year, the governor refused to extend an emergency ban on keeping captive exotic … Read more »

Animal Companions
Vanished Cat Turns Up Where?

Employees at a Kentucky dentist’s office were reattaching vent covers when meowing was heard under the building. A passerby then called PETA for advice. A pretty black-and-white cat had apparently darted inside an open vent while the covers were off, but then was unable to get back out. We were able to secure the release … Read more »

Animal Companions
Veterinarians Mutilating Cats

When veterinarians gathered for the annual American Veterinary Medical Association conference in St. Louis, they were met by  members of the St. Louis Animal Rights Team (START), who wanted to know why the organization continues to support mutilating cats’ paws to please their owners. PETA, START, and other groups have been taking the AVMA to … Read more »

Animal Companions
Luck Is a Lady for Las Vegas Dog

What happens in Vegas can land you in deep, um, craps, if it involves hurting an animal. A distraught woman called PETA to report that her neighbor was leaving his dog chained on his back porch, sometimes without water or shade from the sweltering Las Vegas sun. Animal control had received multiple calls about the … Read more »

Animal Companions
Cars and Sweat Lodges Can Both Kill

Update: Since originally posting this, we were contacted by a representative of the family of two of the victims and asked to stop our campaign out of respect for the families. We are announcing that we are pulling the campaign out of deference to the family’s wishes, although past victims of tragedies (and their families) … Read more »

Animal Companions
Cruel ‘Workout’ Nearly Drowns Pit Bull

Earlier this week, Florida resident Willie Bell turned down a plea deal of three years in prison for a felony charge of cruelty to animals. Not smart: Now Bell faces five years in prison, and if he’s convicted, he deserves every second of it. According to police, Bell tied a 30-pound dumbbell around a dog’s … Read more »

Animal Companions
PETA Comes to Pit Bulls’ Aid

Those of you who have been following the story of Patrick—an emaciated pit bull who had been stuffed down a trash compactor at a New Jersey apartment complex—will be glad to know that police have located his owner and charged her with felony cruelty to animals. Sadly, Patrick is just one example of the horrific … Read more »

Animal Companions
Debarking, No, Declawing, Yes …?

Crazy cat ladies of America, you have some explaining to do. According to a recent Associated Press poll, 55 percent of cat guardians are in favor of declawing, while only 8 percent of dog fanciers agree with debarking, or surgically removing dogs’ vocal chords. I can only hope that most of the people who voted … Read more »

Animal Companions
Decoding the Declawing Myth

If declawing were more accurately referred to as “amputation,” would people still declaw their cats? The Paw Project doesn’t think so. In this provocative new public service announcement, the group shows exactly what the procedure would look like on a human. Its website explains that “[t]o declaw a cat, the veterinarian cuts off the last … Read more »

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