Court Orders Commission to Pay PETA $75K Over ‘Opossum Drop’ Case

The annual “Opossum Drop” held in Brasstown was illegal and that the WRC acted unlawfully when it issued a permit for the cruel event.

On July 4th, Where to Fill Your Plate With Bugs, Metal, & Pig Anuses

Eight gross reasons to declare your freedom from mystery meat.

Spread the Word: Dogs Die in Hot Cars

On Monday night, a police dog named Spartacus endured an agonizing death from heatstroke when he was left in his handler’s car in Woodstock, Georgia. His loss is all the more disturbing because it follows those of other K9 officers who died in a similarly horrific fashion. To make sure that law-enforcement agencies are aware of the … Read more »

Jail for Man Who Starved Dog for Months

A routine trip by PETA volunteers to deliver straw bedding to “outdoor dogs” in Newport News, Virginia, uncovered a horrifying secret: a female pit bull lying dead in a backyard. Someone had removed her chain, which meant that the person knew that she was dead, but left her body in full view of the two surviving … Read more »

Canine Murder Mystery on the James River

It was a horrifying sight. The dog’s bloated body was spotted off a pier behind a Newport News, Virginia, boatyard. The young black-and-white female pit bull had apparently drowned, as indicated by her clenched teeth and protruding tongue. But most chilling was that she likely hadn’t wound up in the water by accident: Tied to her red-and-black … Read more »

Neglected Pit Bull Rescued by PETA Gets Justice

In February, two PETA staffers volunteering with our Community Animal Project’s straw-delivery program came upon a malnourished pit bull caged in a Portsmouth, Virginia, backyard, and living in filth.  The pen in which Blackie was kept 24/7 was “wall-to-wall” trash, filth, and feces. There was no food, no drinkable water, and no adequate shelter from the elements. … Read more »

Euthanasia: We Won’t Run From What Needs to Be Done!

PETA is proud to continue to stand tall and roll up its sleeves to help animals.

Hunter Ditches Dog but Wants Collar Back

Two PETA staffers were delivering straw bedding to cold “outdoor dogs” in rural Virginia when they spotted a thin young beagle dangerously close to the highway.

My Own ‘Marley & Me’: How a Dog in Need Changed My Life

The following was written by Kaitlynn Kelly, Media Coordinator.  I spend my days at PETA fielding calls from the media to answer questions about our news releases and explain our campaigns. I love my job, but I don’t often get to see its impact on animals firsthand. So when the opportunity arose to deliver straw to cold “outdoor … Read more »

Look Out For Other People’s Animals in Sandy

By now, we hope everyone is prepared as Hurricane Sandy batters the eastern United States and Canada with gale-force winds, massive walls of water, and, in some spots, snow. While we wish that everyone who evacuated would have taken their animals with them and that those who are staying will have allowed their animals indoors … Read more »

Midnight the Miracle Cat Has Sunny Future

Update: Midnight has been adopted! Her gloomy past behind her, this free-spirited gal has now been renamed Indie. Her new family reports that she is relishing the safe, comfortable indoor life and that she acts like she has known her canine sister, River, who is also a PETA rescue, for years. Indie has discovered catnip, … Read more »

How an ‘Outside Dog’ Got on the Inside Track

The story is a common one but still heartrending: Deuce’s owners bought him as a puppy, but when he got big—although still full of energy and enthusiasm—instead of giving him gentle guidance and abundant exercise, they kicked him out of the house and chained him to a tree. A Chain Is Not a Home Fortunately … Read more »

Michael Vick Wants a Dog? No. Just … No.

If he had any shame or decency, federally convicted dog murderer Michael Vick wouldn’t dream of suggesting that it is somehow “unfair” (his word) to suggest that he shouldn’t have another dog. But now he’s out in TV Land promoting a book and expressing his desire to give his son a dog. Perhaps he’d have … Read more »

Want Your Cat to Hate You? Do This.

Dr. Narda Robinson, a university professor and veterinary educator, has come to the aid of animals in danger of mutilation from a surgery called “declawing.” In a new article published in Veterinary Practice News, she explains that even though the procedure involves 10 separate painful amputations at the last joint of a cat’s toes, the … Read more »

Photo: The Cat Who Couldn’t Ride a Bike

One day 18 years ago, I was out walking my dogs along a bike trail when I saw a bicyclist stop and do something peculiar: He took out his water bottle, and instead of taking a swig, he opened up the top and dumped a pile of cat kibble onto the ground. He was immediately … Read more »

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