This ‘Bridezilla’ Goldfish Story Is Exactly Why Pet Stores Are the Worst

Using living beings as wedding favors isn’t just unromantic—it’s deplorable. It may be too late to help these goldfish, but we can still make a difference for others.

PETA’s Community Animal Project Helped Over 100 Animals in March—See How

Every month, our team is out in the field delivering much-needed attention and affection to neglected animals—and March was no exception!

Animal Companions
The Top 10 Things That PETA Fieldworkers See—and How They Help Animals

Our Community Animal Project fieldworkers encounter dogs, cats, and other animals no one will help—no one except PETA, that is.

Video: He Escaped a Racetrack and a Blood Bank—See This Greyhound Now

Discarded by the racing industry and saved from a canine blood bank, Bodhi is now adopted and adored. You won’t believe his transformation.

Hunters Throw Dogs Down Wells, Tie Them to Railway Lines

Hunters reportedly leave tens of thousands of dogs for dead after hunting season is over so that they don’t have to pay to feed them.

Victory! Coca-Cola Pulls Iditarod Sponsorship

Coke joins Jack Daniel’s and others in ending its support of the cruel, deadly dog race, which has resulted in the deaths of more than 150 dogs.

Animal Companions
Here’s Why Selling Betta Fish as Décor Is Just Plain Morally Bankrupt

“What a Fish Knows” author Jonathan Balcombe throws cold water on some of the speciesist myths about our aquatic cousins.

Animal Companions
Meet PETA’s Rescue Team and the Animals They Help

We will never turn our backs on the animals who need us the most. Here’s why.

Animal Companions
10 Times PETA’s Community Animal Project Made a Difference for Animals This Month

Ever wonder what our fieldworkers see and do on a daily basis? Read up on these cases and find out why these animals desperately need our help.

PHOTOS: Betta Fish Were Found Sick and Dying at Petco—Folks Are Fed Up

At Petco, complex betta fish are forced to exist in just inches of water inside tiny plastic cups. Join countless people in speaking out.

UncommonGoods Protects Fish, Ends Fish Tank Sales

“My view is that we should always strive to have a better impact on people, animals, and the planet.” — CEO David Bolotsky

Why That ‘Screaming Hamster’ Viral Tweet Isn’t Funny

Animals like this petrified hamster are sold like trinkets at pet stores such as PetSmart and Petco. Find out what you can do to help them.

Heifer International: Advocate for the Meat Industry

An eyewitness exposé reveals that goats can end up on a blood-soaked killing floor.

PETA Exposes the Suffering of 10 Dogs Used by Hemopet

Sick, suffering, and stressed, the greyhounds imprisoned at Hemopet were forgotten by the world—but PETA wants you to know their stories.

Animal Companions
Horror Stories of Petco Betta Fish the Stores Don’t Want You to See

As these patrons found out the hard way, the employees and managers they asked to help the sick and dying fish completely failed them.

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