Animal Companions
PETA Rescue: Dog Saved From Life on Chain

The first four years of Oliver’s life consisted of little more than a small patch of dirt, a metal barrel, and a heavy chain. This sweet mixed-breed’s owner gave him food and water in dirty, rusty metal bowls—and little else. Day after day, he waited for the kind word or gentle pat that never came. … Read more »

Animal Companions
Dozens of Dogs Rescued From Hoarder

The situation was dire for more than 30 dogs and puppies languishing at the home of a hoarder in rural Georgia. Confined to cramped cages, chained, or simply running loose on the unfenced property, the dogs were filthy and crawling with fleas, and some were losing their hair because of untreated mange. Their owner couldn’t … Read more »

Animal Companions
Heat Waves Deadly for Animals

As intense heat continues to plague many areas throughout North America, PETA is calling on people to protect their dogs and cats by letting them inside and by taking dogs for short walks (never jogs) only during the coolest part of the day. Dozens of dogs have already died or had close calls in hot … Read more »

Animal Companions
It’s No Chain, All Gain for This Dog

From the time he was 3 months old, Ringo’s “life” consisted of pacing on a patch of dirt in a junk-filled backyard, deprived of the love that every dog needs and deserves, chained up like an old bicycle. When PETA’s fieldworkers found him, Ringo was suffering from intestinal parasites and was at least 15 pounds … Read more »

Animal Companions
Tiny Dog Saved From Hell House

A neighbor, desperate to help the dog, called PETA for help.

Animal Companions
How to Create a Canine Time Bomb

An Osceola, Indiana, man suffered two broken arms and severe flesh wounds after his dog escaped from a cage and attacked him while he was sitting on the couch. And a 4-year-old Brooklyn boy was mauled to death inside his apartment by a dog who was normally kept caged. As a neighbor aptly said, “When … Read more »

Animal Companions
Luck Is a Lady for Las Vegas Dog

What happens in Vegas can land you in deep, um, craps, if it involves hurting an animal. A distraught woman called PETA to report that her neighbor was leaving his dog chained on his back porch, sometimes without water or shade from the sweltering Las Vegas sun. Animal control had received multiple calls about the … Read more »

Animal Companions
A Deadly Daisy Chain

A sweet pit bull named Daisy froze to death in the frigid January temperatures in Holiday Island, Arkansas, when the chain she was attached to prevented her from reaching any shelter. The local humane society is requesting that cruelty charges be filed against Daisy’s owner, and in an effort to prevent more tragedies like this … Read more »

Animal Companions
A Happy Ending for Julie

Julie started off the new year the way every dog should—in a warm home surrounded by a loving family. But the cutie-pie collie wasn’t always so lucky. She spent the early part of her life trapped at the end of a chain, desperate for a kind word, a loving scratch behind the ears, and much-needed … Read more »

Animal Companions
Warmhearted Kids Help Cold Dogs

Here’s a story that could melt even a snowman’s heart. Fourth-grade students in teacher Chris Maxwell’s class at Mills Park Elementary School in Cary, North Carolina, have raised more than $300 to help dogs who are trapped at the end of a chain with no shelter from freezing temperatures, snow, and sleet. The kids are … Read more »

Animal Companions
Save Animals’ Necks From Embedded Collars

Here’s another reason why we all need to be “watchdogs” for dogs and cats who are kept chained or caged in our neighbors’ backyards, allowed to roam, or otherwise neglected: embedded collars. When someone puts a collar on a young animal and doesn’t bother to loosen the collar as the animal grows—or when someone places … Read more »

Animal Companions
Look How Far These Guys Are Going to Help Chained Dogs

You say you care about lonely, neglected dogs who are chained up in all weather extremes 24 hours a day, 365 days a year? How far would you go to prove it? Seminole County resident and PETA member Bryan Wilson (right) and a friend went so far as to chain themselves up for eight hours … Read more »

Animal Companions
Chained Dogs Need Your Help

Now that spring is in full bloom in much of the country, we won’t be hearing reports of “backyard dogs” freezing in the snow for a while. But other sad stories are in no short supply: Many puppies born this spring will be taken away from their mothers only to end up chained alone in … Read more »

Animal Companions
Finding Freedom for a Freezing Dog

It was 20 degrees in Michigan, and this small dog was tethered outdoors without any shelter to protect her from the plummeting temperatures. She was shivering, lonely, and suffering from a severe skin infection that was causing her fur—her only defense against the bitter cold—to fall out.     A compassionate passerby alerted PETA’s Emergency … Read more »

Animal Companions
The Rocky Road to Ace’s Relief

Ace—a kind, shy pit bull—was chained outside 24/7. The area where he lived was worn, there was not a single blade of grass within sniffing distance, and he was living in a plastic barrel that offered minimal shelter from the elements. After a bloody encounter with another dog, Ace was left with swollen and infected … Read more »

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