Paging Dr. Vegetarian

ideachampions / CC Hospital employees should be ambassadors of good health—and Chattanooga-based Memorial Health Care System is embracing this theory. Well, sort of. The company has announced that in an effort to “further our mission of building healthier communities,” it will no longer hire smokers and tobacco chewers. Smooth move? It seems so—after all, as … Read more »

Vegan Cookies at Starbucks!

shopvafinest / CC The following is a guest post from PETA Living’s Mylie. Yes, you read that right: Starbucks now has vegan cookies. As if Starbucks weren’t already super vegan-friendly simply by offering soy milk, now it has something that you can dunk in that soy latte. Among a plethora of new healthy snacks it’s … Read more »

Lettuce Lady Livens Up LAX

I’m willing to bet my Tofutti Cuties that these TSA employees managed to get a (visual) full-body scan.   Can you say “bombshell” in an airport? Fans of Meet the Parents probably agree that it wouldn’t be wise, and after the Christmas Day attempt to blow up a Detroit-bound airplane, I’m not sure. But I’ve … Read more »

Plague of ‘Superbugs’ Is Super Scary

jonbarron / CC “Super Freak.” Super Target. Superbad. I’d say the wedding reception classic, shopper’s wonderland, and hit flick are all worth cheering. But “superbugs,” a la swine flu, salmonella, and E. coli? Not so much. These drug-resistant infections contaminate not only our air and waterways but also America’s meat supply, which is also greatly … Read more »

Animal Tests: A Choice We Can’t Live With in 2010

veganrepresent / CC The following post originally appeared in Florida’s Bradenton Herald. Who would you save—your child or your dog? This is the phony choice lobbed at those of us who advocate for the replacement of animal tests with non-animal testing methods. Fortunately, you don’t have to choose. Under pressure from citizens concerned about exposure … Read more »

Fur Is ‘Tutu’ Cruel

We’re going to need another tu to describe how adorable our tutu-cute dancing raccoon and fox were as they pliéd and pirouetted their ways into the hearts of balletgoers in Philadelphia:     Joined by local PETA supporters, our furry friends urged Nutcracker attendees and the many delighted onlookers to shun fur and go faux … Read more »

Giraffe Dies in Tulsa Zoo

Last month, Amali, a 5-year-old giraffe, got an unnatural knot in her neck from an injury sustained in-transit to the Tulsa Zoo, where she was expected to breed with a male giraffe. After weeks of treatment with ineffective drugs, Amali’s neck remained crooked. A few days ago, zoo veterinarians prepared her for an X-ray procedure, … Read more »

‘Glee’ Stars: Gifted and Compassionate / CC   Confession: I’ve rewatched the final performance of “True Colors” from last week’s Glee episode on my DVR like it’s my job. And lucky for me, it is. My Gleekdom isn’t entirely work-related, but with so many compassionate actors on the show, I need to tune in. First, Lea Michele spoke up … Read more »

It’s On! The Amazing Race to Make ‘In Vitro’ Meat

wallpaperbase / CC My interest in CBS’s Amazing Race started to wane when PETA pal Mike White and his dad were bumped from the show. Well, the announcement that scientists in Holland have created a sort of pork in a petri dish means a different kind of amazing race is on—one that can save tens … Read more »

Sexy Pilgrims Give Away Free Tofurkys

Our sexy pilgrims put the free in cruelty-free in Atlanta yesterday, giving out complimentary Tofurkys to lucky passersby. The sizzling settlers charmed the lunchtime crowd and even convinced a restaurant owner to give a Tofurky to his chef.   How do Hooters’ ladies stay sexy? Vegan food, of course.   The visit to Atlanta marked … Read more »

‘Win It’ Wednesday: Swine Flu Mask

Unless you’ve had your head in the sand for quite some time, you know that “swine flu blues” are sweeping the nation. Just in time for sniffle season, PETA’s swine flu prevention masks have arrived.   We are giving you, dear PETA Files reader, a chance to win the perfect accessory for your next pro-vegan … Read more »

Obama: Make Your Turkey ‘Pardons’ Mean Something

Every year, a couple of days before Thanksgiving, our nation’s president “pardons” two of the 46 million turkeys who are set to be slaughtered for holiday meals. And every year, we write to the president asking him to ensure that the turkeys receive the care necessary to give them the lengthy, happy lives that they … Read more »

Oprah’s Best Animal-Friendly Episodes

athensboy / CC It’s official: Oprah will end her show in 2011. Feel that collective surge of sadness? We sure do. Oprah’s groundbreaking program has transcended the talk-show format and has paved the way for social and political change. In honor of PETA’s 2008 Person of the Year and her show’s long run, we’re revisiting … Read more »

Homeless Animals Receive Special Holiday Gift

This week Windsor, North Carolina, officials cut the red ribbon that wrapped PETA’s very special gift to animals in this small Southern town. For nearly a decade, PETA has been working with Windsor and other area towns to provide homeless animals in their care with better housing conditions and a peaceful end when euthanasia is … Read more »

Super-Sized Treadmill Instead of Retirement for Ailing Elephant?

PETA and ZooCheck have been campaigning to convince officials at the Edmonton Zoo, deemed Canada’s worst zoo for elephants by African elephant biologist Winnie Kiiru, to release its sole pachyderm prisoner, Lucy, to a sanctuary. We’ve reasoned with zoo officials. We’ve enlisted support from experts and celebrities. And we’ve called on caring supporters to write … Read more »

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