Animal Companions
St. Francis Bestows Blessings

Even if you didn’t spend 12 years in Catholic school, as I did, you probably still know that St. Francis of Assisi is the patron saint of animals. He was a man who preached to birds and blessed a wolf, and it is rumored that from his deathbed, he even thanked his donkey for his … Read more »

Animal Companions
PETA Prez to New Prime Minister: End Mulesing Now

  If you haven’t been keeping up with world events, you may be surprised to learn that change has come to the land down under. Julia Gillard recently made history by becoming Australia’s first female prime minister. Now PETA is asking this precedent-setting PM to implement another big change: Help end the barbaric mulesing mutilation … Read more »

Animal Companions
‘Win It’ Wednesday: Vegan Cupcake Baker Coffee Mug

Sure, I realize that no matter how “low-fat” they are, cupcakes are not exactly health food—but they are still my favorite food group. Chocolate stout cupcakes, s’mores cupcakes, jelly donut cupcakes—they’re all good. I love to bake cupcakes, decorate cupcakes, read about cupcakes, eat cupcakes (duh)—heck, I would even wear cupcakes if I could. So, … Read more »

Animal Companions
Rhino Row: Elle Repents

Elle Macpherson has had to eat her words, which is better than popping a pill that tastes like “fungus,” according to her earlier statement. After kind people from Australia to India—including myself—called the model out on her confession in the U.K.’s The Sunday Times that she tosses back powdered rhino horn in a vain (yes, … Read more »

Animal Companions
To-Die-For Foie Gras That Nobody Had to Die For

Award-winning chef Amanda Cohen can add another notch to her (cruelty-free) lipstick case: Her not-so-sinfully delicious Mushroom Mousse has won the top prize of $10,000 in PETA’s Fine Faux Foie Gras Challenge. Cohen, who is a veteran of New York City vegan hot spots TeaNY, Angelica Kitchen, Pure Food and Wine, and Blossom Café, wowed … Read more »

Animal Companions
Fountain of Youth Found in Fridge!

Searching for the Fountain of Youth? It won’t be found in rhino horn, but it may be in your refrigerator—or at your local supermarket. Scientists believe that they have developed a way to estimate the likelihood that someone will live past the age of 100, and they found that many people with a vegetarian diet … Read more »

Animal Companions
Ha, Ha, Soy Skeptics, Check This Out

Take a tip from this guy: Embrace soy!JOE MARINARO / CC by 2.0 People have been enjoying soy and reaping its health benefits for thousands of years, but there are still some myths circulating about soy and soy products. Last week, the Guardian printed an eye-opening article that uncovers the shady origins of anti-soy propaganda—most … Read more »

Animal Companions
Picturesque Protest Over Running of the Bulls

Before the drunken partiers filled Pamplona’s streets today to kick off the annual Running of the Bulls tormenting of bulls, scores of animal defenders from PETA U.K. and the Spanish animal rights group AnimaNaturalis creatively banded together to put the bulls’ perspective in the picture.   Photo by Matt Goldsmith for PETA UK   During … Read more »

Animal Companions
Curses! Busted by the Swear Police

Look at this photo and tell me: Do you think the shorter girl looks as if she can’t wait to tattle on the taller one? Of course, I do—and my sister could offer endless examples of how I tattled on her for all sorts of naughty behavior. Especially cursing, which she did so often that … Read more »

Animal Companions
Elle Macpherson Admits Using Illegal Substance

Jerzy Strzelecki / CC by 3.0 Elle Macpherson has told the Times online that she uses rhino horn to try to stop the aging process. Quackery aside, this has huge consequences for animals—and it’s illegal. Here’s the letter that PETA President Ingrid E. Newkirk sent Macpherson today: What was Elle’s response to the outcry about … Read more »

Animal Companions
Jenna Dewan’s S-S-Sexy New Ad

Jenna Dewan makes a ravishing reptile! The sultry star recently shed her clothes and transformed into a snake for a new PETA ad exposing the cruelty of the exotic-skins industry. Find out why the alluring actor leaves wildlife out of her wardrobe in this exclusive behind-the-scenes interview: While we’re on the subject of fabulous fake … Read more »

Animal Companions
Get Healthy and Live Tryin’

The newest rapper in da veggie club? According to Vegetarian Star, Grammy winner and rap superstar 50 Cent is working to encourage healthy eating among children, and he just threw a picnic party in Queens for kids who chowed down on veggie burgers and whole-wheat pasta. Given how many young people are already battling weight … Read more »

Animal Companions
Jessica Simpson … Vegan?

Heard about the “Vegan Before 6” movement? Well, how about the “weekend vegan?” That’s what CNN dubbed Jessica Simpson after she tweeted about test-driving a vegan diet:     Hmm, is tofu the “gateway” food to hardcore vegan living? We hope so, and to help Jessica stay “clean,” PETA is sending her a copy of … Read more »

Animal Companions
Jessica Simpson: Tofu Ain’t Tuna (Or Chicken)!

As a blonde myself, I always felt a twinge of sympathy for Jessica Simpson as the dumb-blonde jokes flew. But even her snarkiest critics have to give credit where credit is due: Jessica just tweeted about her first taste of tofu and called it “yummy.”   Has Jessica stopped eating animals (my fingers are crossed)? … Read more »

Animal Companions
PETA’s ‘Perfect Pitch’ for Turkeys Named Best of the Best

Summer hasn’t even officially kicked off, but the folks at the Today show were talking Thanksgiving this morning—or, rather, discussing PETA’s Thanksgiving Day public service announcement (PSA), which was just named one of the “Best Commercials of the Year” by the Association of Independent Commercial Producers (AICP).     As AICP President and CEO Matt … Read more »

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