Celeb Chefs’ Healthy Resolutions

We already know what your number one New Year’s Resolution is—going vegan, right? It turns out that some celebrity chefs are also resolving to be kinder to animals—and their arteries—in 2011. In the current issue of O magazine, four gourmet gurus made the following veg-olutions:  Mario Batali, who previously announced that all his restaurants would … Read more »

2011 Food Trend: Meatless Mondays

nataliemaynor/CC by 2.0 Normally, I think that predictions for the coming year are a little silly, but’s list of the top 10 food trends for 2011 has changed my mind. For starters, the list includes tiki bar cocktails—as the proud new owner of a midcentury retro ranch house, I’ll drink to that—and macaroons (vegan … Read more »

‘Epic Meal Time’ Goes Vegan!

What happens when you get a bunch of over-the-top meat-centric YouTubers who seem to not give a hoot about their health, animals, or the nastiness of their gluttonous creations (e.g., steak-bacon-ham-cheese-sauce version of a ginger-bread house)? “Epic Meal Time.” Feeling nauseous now? Me too! Luckily, some vegans in a hissy one-upped that show with their incredibly funny spoof: … Read more »

Katy Perry’s Dreaming of a Vegan Christmas

A Tofurky and some mistletoe will help to make the season bright, according to Katy Perry. She told the Italian magazine Grazia that she and her new hubby, Russell Brand, plan to celebrate Christmas by gathering ’round a pink (!) tree and extending some peace and goodwill to turkeys by dining on a vegan roast. … Read more »

Day Declared ‘National Veggie Burger Day’!

OK, maybe not, but leave it to the sellers of tortured cows to try to grab attention by claiming that it’s “National Hamburger Day.”(Déjà vu, anyone?) How about we hijack this “holiday” and replace it with one called “National Free-of-Rotting-Flesh Burger Day?” OK, so that might be a little wordy, but no worries: The most … Read more »

Tofu Up, Hot Dogs Down? Google Has Proof

For years, the PETA Files has been telling you how eating vegan is all the rage. But now, the clever folks at Google Labs have given us the tool to prove it. Their new Books Ngram Viewer allows visitors to see and compare, in graph form, trends in word usage over time, based on a … Read more »

PETA’s Letter to Santa

I saw this in the mailroom outbox and couldn’t resist sharing it with you. I really hope that Santa gives us everything we’re asking for. What would you ask Santa to do for animals? Written by Amy Skylark Elizabeth

‘Win It’ Wednesday: Sweet & Sara Snowflake

Sure, 2011 is fast approaching, but I can’t help reminiscing about days gone by, thanks to these delectable vegan marshmallow snowflakes by Sweet & Sara, the prize for this week’s “Win It” Wednesday contest: I simply can’t shake this thought progression: Vegan marshmallows -> gooey vegan s’mores -> fireplace -> scary urban legends reflections about personal victories for … Read more »

Happy Tofurky Day!

In honor of “Thanksgiving Is Murder on Turkeys” Day, here are a few animals who are happy to not be on your plate.      

Are You Ready for Fur-Free Friday?

mikebaird/CC by 2.0 Don’t eat so much Tofurky that you sleep through Fur-Free Friday! This special day for animals falls on the busiest shopping day of the year, so it’s the perfect opportunity to remind people that the fur in stores comes from living, breathing animals who were cruelly confined and killed. Every year, compassionate … Read more »

Cornucopia of Caring: Veganizing Thanksgiving

H.L.I.T/CC by 2.0 There are endless ways for turkey lovers—the millions of people who’d rather rehabilitate than ravage birds’ bruised and abused bodies, to celebrate Thanksgiving. Among them are a few festivities that got a jump-start on the holiday that is becoming increasingly veggie-centric. NYC’s iconic eatery Sardi’s continues to include its historic mouthwatering vegan fare … Read more »

Buckle Up—Sexy Pilgrims Give It Away

“Times have changed”—as Cole Porter informed us—”Since the Puritans got a shock/When they landed on Plymouth Rock.” So when PETA’s sexy pilgrims landed to rock Phoenix and Tampa for a pre-Thanksgiving Tofurky giveaway, only the most puritanical onlookers blushed at their hemlines. Instead, the focus was on scoring one of those tasty Tofurky roasts (the … Read more »

‘Meaty’ Halloween Idea: Vegans Go Gaga

Although it made countless compassionate fans wrinkle their noses (and made Eminem remark that it stank, and made Ellen DeGeneres back away), Lady Gaga’s dress made from slabs of animal flesh is likely to be a popular Halloween costume this year. So PETA has an animal-friendly idea for vegan fans who want to dress up … Read more »

Nice, Nice Baby! Vanilla Ice Is Vegetarian

We at PETA often refer to our love of vegan chocolate, but put this on record: We’re also fond of vegetarian vanilla—that is, rapper Vanilla Ice, star of DIY’s The Vanilla Ice Project. “It opened up a whole new menu to me,” he says about going vegetarian more than three years ago. “I love it.” … Read more »

Dr. Oz Reveals What’s Lurking in Chicken Flesh

The cruel treatment of chickens raised for food is reason enough for people to stop eating them, but Dr. Mehmet Oz just provided his viewers with yet another reason: On a recent episode of The Dr. Oz Show, he explained exactly what’s in chicken flesh—chemicals, antibiotics, arsenic, drugs, and salt—and how it can lead to … Read more »

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