Washoe the Chimpanzee Dies at 42

Washoe, the chimpanzee who became world-famous after learning sign language and teaching it to other primates, died last week in Washington State. PETA’s Primate Specialist, Debra Durham, wrote this great op-ed about Washoe, and what we can learn from her experience, which appeared in The Saint Paul Pioneer Press yesterday. Check it out: What We … Read more »

Good Night Tex

To be honest, I’m having trouble coming up with a decent intro to this video. It’s a behind the scenes look at the companion animal overpopulation crisis, from the perspective of a woman who deals with it every day, up close and personal. It really made me think about what an absolute joke the whole … Read more »

Zombies Hate KFC

Since the Halloween season is upon us and all that, I wanted to share this bit of Halloween trivia with you. Zombies hate KFC. Seriously, they hate it. In fact, they hate it so much that they held a protest at a KFC in Moscow, ID, with signs reading “I’d Rather Be Dead Than Eat … Read more »

KFC Campaign is a Marathon

Lindsay and Nicole, a couple of die-hard anti-KFC campaigners, completed the Louisville Half-Marathon in KFC’s hometown yesterday. So what, you ask? Well, they did the whole thing with “Boycott KFC” and the like written on their bodies, and the pair reported that they got tons of support from the crowd and even talked to several … Read more »

Demo at Yum CEO’s House

Saturday night, PETA campaigner Matt Rice was in Louisville, KY, with a giant crippled chicken to protest at a Yum Brands (the parent company of KFC) fundraiser at CEO David Novak’s house. The shindig was supposedly to fight global hunger, which is totally laughable. Global hunger isn’t laughable of course, but KFC pretending to give … Read more »

Super Chick Sisters!!!

BabyGirlCigars/Creative Commons For those of you who haven’t heard yet, I’m a new dad! And I’ve been giving out these cigars all over the office for the past few of days to celebrate. Granted, I’m celebrating the birth of an amazing new internet marketing campaign, not a baby, but hey, my work is all I’ve … Read more »

Cool Washington Post Article

Check out this piece in the Washington Post about PETA VP Bruce Friedrich and his leafleting efforts in DC. It’s an entertaining read, and if you’ve ever met Bruce, you’ll love the cartoon on the side for sure. Check it, don’t wreck it.

Watch TV? PETA Needs Your Help!

Ian with his favorite Tides player, Mike Cervanak, and fellow PETA employee Erin. Ian likes to eat veggie dogs at Tides games. My buddy Ian, who is PETA’s Animals in Film, TV, and Advertising Specialist—as well as the Norfolk Tides’ biggest fan—asked me to post the following info as a favor to him.Here’s what’s up. … Read more »

Vick to Plead Guilty

Vick has admitted his guilt: Michael Vick has accepted a plea deal—with a likely prison sentence—to avoid additional federal charges related to a professional dogfighting operation, one of his attorneys says.We’re still awaiting details, but please know this: if a celebrity with Vick’s money and teams of lawyers has to serve time for dog fighting, … Read more »

Janice Dickinson and PETA

OMG. I’m so excited that I don’t even know what to say about this one. I just got word from a friend who works in PETA’s LA office that Janice Dickinson, one of the best judges ever on ANTM (America’s Next Top Model, duh), and the star of her own reality show on Oxygen, just … Read more »

Vegan Police Officer

CrimeShareTV/Creative Commons Remember the story about the vegan firefighters in Austin, TX? Well, now there’s a police officer giving them a run for their money, literally. In a bid to whip his fellow officers into shape, Sergeant Scott Cary started a department running team and went vegan. It’s a pretty cool story, and you can … Read more »

Vick to Face State Charges

Virginia Commonwealth Attorney Gerald Poindexter told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution that “yes, indeed, we will prosecute” Vick and others on possible animal cruelty and dogfighting charges. This is, of course, good news—and something that we’ve been waiting to hear since so far Vick has only been facing federal charges.Poindexter went on to say, “The execution of … Read more »

Gummi Bear Loves KFC

Have you heard of Jason “Gummi Bear” Davis? Don’t worry if you haven’t, he’s just another in the long line of disposable tabloid fodder LA rich kids. Usually Gummi’s only real claims to fame are having a slightly less un-famous brother and not getting into clubs, which while funny of course, wouldn’t land him on … Read more »

KFC Protest in Hong Kong

Check out this KFC protest organized by PETA Asia-Pacific in Hong Kong yesterday. This is truly a global campaign, with demonstrations happening in about 100 countries so far. KFC needs to wake up and realize that people all over the world are against grotesque cruelty to animals, and the sooner it makes the simple animal … Read more »

Push Michael Kors To Go Fur Free

Designer and Project Runway star Michael Kors recently pacified representatives from the Humane Society of the US by agreeing to stop using raccoon dog fur in his clothing lines. Unfortunately, Kors is turning a blind eye to the suffering of the countless other animals he still uses for their fur. It won’t result in fewer … Read more »

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