I Found Young Rats Stuck in a Glue Trap—Here’s What Happened Next

The exhausted animals were trapped face to face, and at times, it looked as though they might be trying to comfort one another.

Giant ‘Mouse’ Shows Students That U. of Pittsburgh Animal Labs Are the Pitts

A giant PETA “mouse” in a cage made sure that University of Pittsburgh students knew that their school is tormenting mice and other animals in painful, pointless experiments.

SeaWorld Roughs Up PETA VP, Other Protesters, Then Retaliates Against Complaint

SeaWorld’s violent response to protesters doesn’t help its ugly image.

PETA Asks Leonardo DiCaprio to Help Save ‘Wolf of Wall Street’ Co-Star

Chance, the chimpanzee who appeared in “The Wolf of Wall Street,” is yanked by a leash and forced to perform tricks at a Florida roadside zoo.

© iStock.com/carlosalvarez
Deplorable: Eyewitness Photos Show Orca at SeaWorld Covered in Injuries

“I will never forgive SeaWorld for what they have done.” —Eyewitness

© Chelsy S., Eyewitness
Hawthorn’s Death Toll Shows Why People Should Avoid Animal Circuses

Despite multiple citations from the USDA this year alone, Hawthorn’s death toll continues to climb.

© iStock.com/TPopova
Whistleblower: Animals Beaten Bloody, Starved at Garden Bros. Circus

The former employee characterized Zack Garden’s instruction on handling animals as “really violent” but said that it was “circus courtesy” to ignore the animals’ suffering.

Local Resident Sues to Close Primate Facility Over Public Health Concerns

“When you house thousands of primates together that come from different parts of the world, they have a tendency of creating some really dangerous viruses and retroviruses.”

PETA Video Reveals Bears at Roadside Zoo Left to Bake in Summer Heat

“I saw the two most miserable bears I’ve ever seen.”

PETA’s Week of Action at TAMU—Fighting to Save Dogs Exploited There

“Their blood is on your hands, Michael Young!”

People Were Literally Nursing on Cows at the NY State Fair

In addition to watching vendors push the limits of the uses for a deep fryer, you’re going to see some interesting things when you visit the state fair.

Victory! Animal Planet’s ‘Call of the Wildman’ Producer Fined

A producer of the “reality” show is finally being hit with a real fine from the USDA for a number of staged scenes that caused animals to suffer.

To Make More Money, Fur Farmers in Finland Did THIS to Foxes

Huge rolls of skin, fat, and fur crowd their faces. Their eyes are red and inflamed. This is the misery some arctic foxes endure on Finnish fur farms.

Check Out ‘PETA Global’ Magazine in All Its Interactive Digital Glory

In this summer issue, learn why octopuses are “too super to be supper” and why eating fish is like smoking low-tar cigarettes.

Fish Illustration: © iStock.com/danleap
Octopus Meal: ©rdegrie
The ‘Lettuce Ladies’ Meet Turkey (the Country, Not the Bird)

When the “Lettuce Ladies” stepped out in Cuba, people went nuts. Now PETA’s vegan ambassadors are touring Russia, Romania, and Turkey.

Monique Jacques
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