New York Says ‘No’ to Cruel Elephant Circus Acts by Adopting Ban

New Yorkers have proved that they don’t want to see sensitive and complex elephants chained and beaten for circus shows.

Man Who Made Millions Selling Dogs’ Blood Finds Protesters at His Door

James Wiltz’ Patterson Veterinary Supply is a billion-dollar business, in part because of dogs suffering at The Pet Blood Bank. PETA is demanding that he help them.

Meet Hal, the Guy Who’s Getting Cut Open So That Animals Don’t

Ladies and gents, meet Hal. He’s smart, rugged, resilient, and devoted to his country—and he even saves animals. He’s also technically not an actual person.

© Gaumard
Today, the ‘Prospect Park Cow’ Ran Away With Our Hearts

You’ll cry when you hear what’s going to happen to a runaway cow who was captured on the streets of Brooklyn after escaping slaughter.

Tiger Forced to Live at a Gas Station Dies

The truck stop’s owner, Michael Sandlin, said that he plans to have Tony “stuffed, mounted and displayed” and wants to purchase another tiger.

© Big Cat Rescue
D∆WN’s ‘Graphic’ PETA Billboard Lands in Detroit

Singer D∆WN’s skin is “peeled off” for this anti-leather fall-fashion campaign in a billboard deemed “too graphic” for many U.S. cities.

WATCH: PETA’s Animal Rescue Team Returns From Puerto Rico, With a Few Friends in Tow

The animals who endured the devastation caused by Hurricane Maria have been to hell and back. Get to know a few of these dear souls, and learn how you can help them.

Tests Confirm That Dogs Forced to Run the Iditarod Were Doped

Help PETA shut down this spectacle in which dogs are treated like equipment, abused, and killed.

Sheep Being Used as Punching Bags—You Can Help Stop This

Sheep are being beaten bloody. Here’s what you can do about it.

Watch: Bear Snaps at Handler Mid-Show, Beaten Back Into Submission

Every time that animals used for entertainment defend themselves, they’re sending a message loud and clear: “I don’t belong here.”

Pro Gorod11 | YouTube
Graphic Photos Show Tiger From Ringling Bros. Shot Dead

The feds must begin enforcing the law as intended, not bending over backwards to facilitate animal exploitation.

Jason Derulo Goes Vegan, Feels Light and Healthy

Jason Derulo may be new to being vegan, but he knows how to do it right—he talks spinach, jackfruit, and his love of lentils!

Duh: Taxes Fund Marmoset Test That ‘Finds’ Having a Good Dad Is Good

The findings weren’t exactly earth shattering.

Blind Dog Can Envision Herself on Your Couch

Coco is one of 10 dogs being evacuated from devastated Puerto Rico by PETA’s rescue team.

Video: Here’s the Giraffe Cam Most People Didn’t See

This is what is so sad about keeping giraffes in captivity.

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