Thanks to PETA, Man Behind Using Animals in Trauma Training Is Banned

He’s been banned from treating patients in North Carolina, and now, the military must ban his twisted legacy: animals in trauma training.

Could Nosey Return to a Life in Chains? PETA Intervenes to Save Her

Nosey the elephant was freed from her infamously abusive handler Hugo Liebel, but she isn’t out of the woods just yet.

Crash-Prone Turkey Producer Pledges to Improve Accident-Response Plan

A North Carolina turkey producer promises to put measures in place to keep turkeys from suffering and dying slowly on the side of the road.

Cat-Throwing Teen Arrested, PETA Offers Humane Education

While law enforcement handles the cat-throwing teenager, PETA is offering his school a humane education program to combat cruelty and violence.

Beautiful: Mice, Rats Rescued From Lab See Sunshine for the First Time

Get ready to have your day made.

Cruel Muscular Dystrophy Experiments in France Exposed

On the eve of a major fund-raising telethon for muscular dystrophy in France, a French muscular dystrophy patient’s video condemning animal experiments makes headlines.

Another Captive Orca Impregnated Too Young

The park had reportedly been trying to breed the juvenile orca “for years.”

Video: Elephant Beaten Until His Leg Breaks During ‘Training’

This is the side of elephant rides, performances, paintings, and close contact with humans that tourists never see.

What This Man Did to a Greyhound for Losing a Race Will Haunt You

This man’s cruelty revealed just how heartless the dog-racing industry is.

Odd world
© PearVideo
Two Dogs in New Mexico Were Dragged, Fatally Breaking Their Necks

A reward of up to $5,000 is being offered for information leading to the arrest and conviction on cruelty charges of the person(s) responsible.

Video: At World’s Largest Meat Co., Cows Inadequately Stunned

Photos and video footage from a slaughterhouse operated by the world’s largest meat producer show improperly stunned cows.

The Mall of America Is Adding an All-Vegan Restaurant

A new all-vegan restaurant is set to open in the Mall of America in 2018. Find out more!

Help PETA Stick It to Hunters in the Funniest Way Possible

Tired of seeing photos of insecure, gun-wielding camo-wearers as they stand over dead animals? Let’s show them how real men and women hunt.

Video: PETA Blasts Auction for Hitting, Shoving Animals

PETA is calling on the USDA to investigate Lolli Bros. Livestock Market, Inc., for emaciated animals, filthy makeshift cages, and more.

9 Ways PETA Members Won November for Animals

Another big circus bites the dust, foie gras is on the no-fly list, and more retailers are going fur-free. Here’s PETA’s monthly news you can’t miss.

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