New Video: Rescued Bears Spend First Christmas at Serene Sanctuary

One look at the “before” photos of Ben and Bogey at the Tregembo Animal Park in Wilmington, North Carolina, will tell you everything that you need to know.

PETA Courts Controversy by Showing Roasted Dog’s Head on Holiday Table

The ad asks people to consider why we regard some animals to be “family” and others to be “dinner.”

5 Times Animal Superheroes Rushed In and Saved Human Lives

From the lions who saved a girl from kidnappers to the porpoises who rescued a beloved actor, these animals displayed their courage and compassion.

Personal Care & Fashion
Michael Kors’ Fur Ban Is the Holiday Gift Celebrities Wanted

Here are some of our favorite celebrity posts about #FurFree @MichaelKors.

All He Wants for Christmas Is You

When his owners decided that there was no room at the inn for this playful kitten, he found himself in need of a guardian angel.

Photos: Across the U.S., Animal Rights Messages Light Up the Sky

Sometimes people just need a little help to see the light.

Philly to Start 2018 Right by Shutting Down Philadelphia Carriage Co.

This company came under fire after it illegally forced sick horses to haul heavy carriages day in and day out.

Infamous Roadside Zoo That Confined Bears to Concrete Pit Shuts Down

Yellow River is known for having General Beauregard Lee—a “celebrity” groundhog who’s kept in a tiny cage only to be paraded around on Groundhog Day.

The Coast Guard, a Trapped Sea Turtle, and a $53 Million Cocaine Stash

An entangled sea turtle was saved by the Coast Guard after being found caught in cords securing a bundle of cocaine that was floating in the ocean.

PETA Founder Is ‘Beaten’ While Protesting Elephant Rides in India

If you don’t know how cruel elephant rides are, let PETA’s founder show you.

This Video Will Melt Your Heart: Christmas the Puppy’s First Holiday

Gone are the days when Christmas had to fight for scraps just to survive.

Humane Home
Women Cry Tears of Joy After Freeing Mouse from Glue Trap (VIDEO)

Do you know what to do if you find an animal stuck in a glue trap? Your actions could mean the difference between an animal’s life and death.

PETA Praises Shutterstock for Banning Unnatural Images of Primates

By adopting this progressive policy, the company has made a huge difference for nonhuman primates, both in the wild and in captivity.

Pittsburgh City Council Bans Using Bullhooks and Other Weapons

In a victory for animals imprisoned inside roadside zoos or exploited for traveling performances, Pittsburgh has banned bullhooks and torture devices used on wild and exotic animals.

The USDA’s ‘Organic’ Regulations Offered Animals Little-to-No Protection

The federal government’s recent ruling—that “USDA Organic” animals can be treated just as inhumanely as those who live and die on factory farms—simply made it official.

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