Will Your Next Car Have a Vegan Interior? Probably, Thanks to PETA

Apple leather and “suede” made from recycled plastic bottles—carmakers are getting innovative with interiors, and it’s saving animals’ lives.

Who ‘Veganuary’ Is Really About: Animals

Did you know that if you go vegan in January, by the end of July, you’ll have saved roughly 100 animals’ lives? What better motivation could there be for celebrating “Veganuary”?

Court Orders UW to Pay PETA $540,000 in Open Records Lawsuit

Today, the University of Washington learned there’s a hefty price to be paid for concealing and destroying public records about its failed primate center (aka “its monkey torment labs”).

Rain, Shine, or Pandemic, PETA’s 2020 Rescue Efforts Were Stronger Than Ever

Each year, PETA helps countless animals, giving many a new life by placing them in loving homes and accredited sanctuaries. Check out some of our 2020 rescue stories!

Huge Progress! PETA’s Horse-Doping Investigation Changes Racing as We Know It

The first-ever federal oversight of medication dosage in horse racing just passed, and it all started with one PETA investigation.

PETA Is Coming to Town With This Year’s List of Naughty Companies

You better watch out … you better not make animals cry, because PETA is coming to town! Find out who’s getting coal this year and how you can help.

20 Times PETA Smashed Experiments and Saved Animals in 2020

2020 may have blown chunks, but PETA gutted animal testing like never before! Relive 20 of our favorite victories from this year that saved millions of animals.

© iStock.com/olgagorovenko
Lila the Tiger and 9 Others Who Deserve So Much Better Than Waccatee Zoo

Tigers are known for their unique coat patterns, which (in nature) help them camouflage themselves. But at Waccatee Zoo, Lila no longer looks like a tiger—she’s almost bald.

40 Times PETA Blew the Lid off the Things Animal Abusers Don’t Want You to See

A lot has changed since the Silver Spring monkeys case (PETA’s first undercover investigation), but one thing has remained constant: Our exposés help us win victories for animals.

Victory! Animals Spared Deadly Tests in Taiwan After PETA Appeal

This new regulation will save so many animals’ lives! Learn more about PETA’s work with foreign countries to end pointless experiments on animals.

PETA: Speciesism Should Be Stamped Out Like All Other Forms of Supremacy

The global pandemic and growing awareness of inequality have prompted a social reckoning—one that should include a reflection on the ways in which humans violate other animals.

SNL: Jason Bateman Introduced Us to Mikey—Here’s the Chimpanzee’s Real Story

Thanks to PETA and other animal rights activists, if “Saturday Night Live” filmed its “monkeys throwing poop” skit today, exploiting Mikey or other chimpanzees wouldn’t be an option.

‘Guinea Pig’ and ‘COVID Vaccine’ Don’t Belong in the Same Sentence

Humans can consent to being tested on—guinea pigs can’t. So to the news outlets perpetuating speciesism, we’ve got some news, too: Words matter—stop using anti-animal language!

Here’s How ‘I Am Greta’ Is a Call to Save Our Planet AND Animals

Greta Thunberg—climate activist, devoted vegan, and agitator to science deniers everywhere—is now the star of her own riveting documentary.

I Am Greta
Progress for Horses! California Horse Racing Board Toughens Thyroid Drug Rules

PETA blew the lid off horse trainer Steve Asmussen’s misuse of thyroxine. Now, the California Horse Racing Board is taking action to curb abuse of the powerful prescription drug.

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