More Than 130,000 SeaWorld Customers Could Get Part of $11.5 Million

The last thing SeaWorld wants to do is pay $11.5 million out of its dwindling revenue. But it looks like that’s what’s going to happen.

Sad Video Shows Elephant Being Knocked Over and Injured at Circus

Another animal was injured while being forced to perform in the circus. In 2018, why are we still forcing elephants to entertain us?

Lions Leave Behind Only Bloody Bits of Rhino Poachers

Three poachers were reportedly mauled to death by a pride of lions after sneaking onto a nature reserve to kill rhinos for their horns.

VIDEO: Woman Learns the Hard Way—Don’t Hand-Feed Sharks

There’s nothing “shocking” about a shark doing what sharks do. Learn from this woman’s mistake—as she has. Please, leave wildlife in peace.

PETA Pushes Stock-Image Companies to Ban Unnatural Images of Primates

Images of exploited apes and monkeys in the media cause animal suffering, harm conservation efforts, and bolster the illegal wildlife trade.

© Dreamstime
GRAPHIC: More Proof That Fish Are Suffering in Food Industry (Photos)

Deformed hearts, severe lice damage, swollen kidneys, and pancreas disease—all found among hundreds of thousands of salmon in Scotland.

PETA Visits Border Center: Calls On Public to Keep All Loving Families Together

To separate any family forcibly is inexcusable and inhumane. PETA encourages everyone to help keep all caring mothers with their babies.

Independence-Seeking Fish Are Bombarding the Staten Island Ferry

“I am not a fish stick!” Fish are telling folks on the Staten Island Ferry where they can stick it.

UPDATE: Game-Changing Woocoa Earns PETA’s 2018 Animal-Free Wool Prize

The innovative team’s hemp-, coconut-, and mushroom-derived material is helping to stop sheep from being shorn bloody for their wool.

LEFT: Valery Rizzo
RIGHT: Woocoa
PETA Protests Rat Abuser Who Shocks Babies and Force-Feeds Them Booze

Tania Roth has force-fed babies booze, electroshocked them, and taken them from their mothers—all for tests that are utterly useless to humans.

Butterfly Releases at Weddings and Other Events Are Bad for Animals

Many butterflies are crushed or die from exposure before they ever reach their destination. Never include a butterfly release at your event.

Glue Traps Banned, Bear Show Folded, and More of PETA’s June Victories

PETA went hard in the paint in June. Check out how we won for animals imprisoned in laboratories, traveling sideshows, and elsewhere.

Twitter Sides With PETA, Re-Uploads Canada Goose Parody Video

PETA’s parody video urges shoppers not to be swayed by Canada Goose’s deceptive storytelling and to remember who wool comes from.

Canada Is Going Vegan, and Animals Are Winning

No wonder Canada’s flag has a giant leaf in the middle of it—Canadians are proudly waving the vegan flag from sea to sea.

PETA Sues Texas A&M to Find Out the Truth About School’s Cruel Dog Lab

Public records are crucial to citizens’ understanding of the way their tax dollars are being used. We look forward to the court’s decision on this important case.

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