Diane von Furstenberg Bans Mohair; Help PETA Urge Others to Ban Wool

The company joins a large list of retailers that, thanks to a PETA exposé, are now against workers mutilating and killing goats for mohair.

Another Dog Dies After Going to PetSmart

The 4-year-old service dog had saved her guardian’s life “more than once.” She died after a weeklong stay at a PetSmart PetsHotel.

See How PETA Is Shaming Cruel Eateries That Serve Live Octopus

“Sannakji” means a dish made from a living octopus who’s chopped apart limb by limb and served to diners, with the arms still writhing.

REWARD: Help Us Catch Whoever Lit a Firecracker Inside This Sweet Cat

PETA is offering a reward of up to $5,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction on cruelty charges of the person(s) responsible.

Going to Petra? 5 Terrible Reasons Why Animals Suffer in the ‘Lost City’

Here’s what you can actually do about it.

WeWork Bans Meat; PETA Has Vegan Starter Kits for Its 6,000 Employees

By banning meat from its events and reimbursement policy, WeWork affirmed its identity as a company that takes sustainability seriously.

© iStock.com/jevtic
World’s First Beluga-Whale Sanctuary to Welcome New Residents Next Year

Little Grey and Little White will be moved from a Chinese marine park to an open-water sanctuary in Iceland. SeaWorld needs to get on board.

In 1865, Two Whales Boiled to Death in Tiny Tanks as a Museum Burned Down

P.T. Barnum was exploiting animals long before his traveling circus was formed. This crazy #throwback post will leave you shocked.

Toxic Blood From Fish Farms Is STILL Gushing Into the Sea

Readers may recall the viral image of a pipe dumping diseased blood right into the Salish Sea in the Canadian province of British Columbia.

Tavish Campbell | Vimeo
Worried About the Ocean? Plastic Straws Are Just the Tip of the Iceberg

If you care about keeping animals in the ocean safe from plastic waste, don’t just look to your drinking straw—look to your dinner plate.

Hey, Toronto, ‘I’m ME, Not MEAT!’ Proclaims Pro-Vegan Ad Blitz

We want millions of people to know that just like us, animals feel pain and fear, have unique personalities, and value their own lives.

Photo by Julius Sandor
Video: Bull Used for Human ‘Entertainment’ Stomps Rodeo Rider to Death

Tormenting bulls for entertainment is as dangerous to them as it is to the human riders. The difference is, the bulls didn’t consent.

More Victories! These 4 Companies Just Ended Animal Tests

Mice and rats can give a happy squeak: Four more food and beverage companies have agreed to stop testing on animals.

© Jody Boyman
Cover-Up of SeaWorld Stingray Deaths Prompts Lawsuit From PETA

A zoo has repeatedly denied access to records about a joint-venture exhibition involving SeaWorld that led to the death of 54 stingrays.

© iStock.com/User10095428_393
Pamela Anderson Thanks the World Health Organization: ‘Breast Is Best’

The PETA ambassador is thanking the agency for its pro-breastfeeding resolution, which seeks to decrease the use of cruel cow’s milk formulas.

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