Why Pony Painting Is Not a Game

Activities in which kids are encouraged to paint ponies’ bodies have emerged as a cruel new birthday party trend.

Liberation of ‘Cotton Candy’ Lobster Prompts PETA Plea for Vegan Dish

After Scales Restaurant liberated Blue Betty, PETA suggested that the eatery honor the lobster by adding a vegan lobster entrée.

Scales Restaurant | Facebook
Rescued From Misery and Mud, Missy Now Needs a Loving Home (Photos, Videos)

Missy is so eager to be loved. She brings a lot to the table and deserves a guardian who will offer her as much love as she has to give.

PETA Supports EPA Against Lawsuits That Could Increase Experiments on Animals

PETA won’t stand for these actions that threaten the move away from animal testing and toward superior, humane research methods.

PETA Launches Spotify Channel With Playlists for the Animal Rights Revolution

From punk to pop and everything in between, check out PETA’s Spotify channel for the best music to motivate the animal liberator in you.

© Michael Muller
Ireland Basinger-Baldwin Confronts Canada Goose Executives

Ireland Basinger-Baldwin demands to hear why Canada Goose continues to use coyote fur and goose feathers knowing how the animals are killed.

Getting Away With Murder: New PETA Campaign Takes On Experimenters

“If you call it ‘medical research,’ you can get away with murder.”

Texas A&M Faces Lawsuit As It Tries to Hide Its Cruel Dog Experiments

TAMU refuses to release documents related to a deceased spaniel and the births of dogs it uses in cruel muscular dystrophy experiments.

SeaWorld Claims to Be Progressing—so Why Is It Eliminating 125 More Jobs?

More than 1,000 SeaWorld employees have been laid off since “Blackfish.” Had the park laid off the orcas instead, its business wouldn’t be sinking.

Lawsuit Prompts Delivery of Delicious Vegan Gift Baskets

Sham ham, soy cracklins, and other savory fare added to millions awarded in farm waste lawsuit.

Hero Pig Foils Burglars, Stops Home Invasion

Burglars didn’t get their hands on anything belonging to a single mother and her four children, thanks to the family’s rescued pig, Dumplin.

Dow, 3M, and Others Advancing Animal-Free Testing

Meet some of the forward-thinking scientists working to replace animals in inhalation testing with cutting-edge science.

© iStock.com/Ericx
Lights, Camera, … Death? Find Out What It Took to Make ‘Alpha’

Not even American Humane will endorse “Alpha.” Find out why.

Why PETA Is Warning Pig Farmers to ‘Get Out’ While They Still Can

China has imposed new tariffs on U.S. pork imports, so we’re urging pig farmers to learn from tobacco farmers’ mistakes—before it’s too late.

PHOTO: Angela Dougherty
What do Jack Daniel’s, IBM, Gucci, and Forever 21 have in common? PETA’s top news for July

These victories—which our supporters made possible—were huge. Can you believe they’re just a taste of all that we accomplished in July?

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