Animal Research Fails to Help Humans, New Report Reveals

Animal research has failed to benefit human health, wasted limited public research funds, misled clinicians, and harmed countless animals unnecessarily.

Animals Scalded to Death Inside Cage Washers by Careless Experimenters

PETA renews our call to shut down the primate torture camp after two monkeys were killed when their cage was run through a high-temperature washer while they were trapped inside.

3,000 Animals Die for 1 Pound of Silk—Reasons Not to Rock It

Imagine resting while completely vulnerable, awaiting a magnificent metamorphosis, only to be violently boiled or gassed alive.

PHOTO: Dead Turtle Still Wrapped in Fishing Net Believed to Have Killed Him

Avoiding plastic straws is noble, but if you want to do something truly noteworthy to help fish, stop eating them.

PHOTOS: New PETA Billboard Hits LA Fresh Poultry Close to Home

LA Fresh Poultry—a slaughterhouse selling chickens’ corpses on site—has some fresh PETA signage nearby to persuade onlookers to go vegan.

What Barnum’s Animals Crackers’ New Box Tells Us About Animal Liberation

Big victories can come in small packages. Nabisco’s change is in line with the public view that animals don’t belong in circuses.

Photographer: Trent Musho
Majority of Americans Now Oppose Experiments on Animals, Survey Shows

Since PETA’s inception, we’ve campaigned to shut down all experiments on animals. And now, the tide is turning like never before.

Victory! Five More Companies End Tests on Animals

Now, thousands of mice, rats, and hamsters won’t suffer for these corporations’ beers, soft drinks, candy, or condiments, as they end tests on animals.

Kitten PETA Rescued From Car Engine Now Needs a Home

Dodge was trapped in a car engine for days before someone heard his desperate cries for help.

VIDEO: Why George Lopez Wants Us All to Help ‘Fix’ L.A.

Los Angeles animal shelters were filled beyond capacity this summer, and George Lopez has something to say about it. Watch this video to find out more.

Monkeys Suffer Frostbite, Another Exposed to a Live Wire—Chaos at Zootastic Park

The feds have cited Zootastic Park over a number of troubling animal welfare incidents. Monkeys there required medical care after suffering from frostbite.

What’s the First Thing This Dog Did After Her Rescue? She Smiled.

It took years, but PETA fieldworkers finally prevailed in rescuing Ellie from her chain-link prison. Watch it get demolished!

National Defense Authorization Act Includes Landmark Animal-Protection Provision

This progress comes on the heels of the U.S. Coast Guard’s decision to end the use of animals in trauma training drills.

Superhero Goat Credited With Busting 75 Others Out of Auction House

Don’t even try to tell this goat that one individual can’t make a difference.

Police Raid Spares Birds from Having Their Legs and Wings Slashed

Following a police raid initiated by PETA India, birds will be spared being cut open with sharp strings.

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