PETA Rescued James From Hurricane Florence—Now He Needs a Loving Home

After being chained outside 24/7 and abandoned by his evacuating owners, James is now safe in a foster home and available for adoption.

PETA’s ‘Donald Trump Jr.’ Halloween Costume Lets the Leopard Win

Paybacks are hell. With PETA’s limited-edition Halloween costume, a leopard takes revenge on the “half-cocked” trophy hunter.

Brazil Latest Country to Halt Deadly Yearlong Poisoning Test on Dogs

Imagine being locked in a cage and forced to eat pesticide-laced food or breathe pesticide fumes for a year until you’re killed and your body is dissected.

© Emile Hallez
BREAKING: Los Angeles Becomes Largest U.S. City to Ban Fur Sales

When Los Angeles speaks, the world listens—and it’s now the largest and most notable city to tell the world that “fur is dead.”

Photos: Woman Has to Have Toes Amputated After Fish Pedicure

A young woman who lost her toes to a “fish pedicure” is sharing her story and photos to warn other people about the danger.

VIDEO: Camel Forced to Give Rides During Shrine Circus Panics—at Least Six Children Injured

Had the Shriners left animals out of their show, this camel and these children would have been spared this terrifying experience.

Empty Water Bowls, Feces, Injured Animals: Meet Deer Haven Mini Zoo

Years of PETA complaints and USDA citations haven’t made Deer Haven release the animals to reputable facilities. So we’re turning up the heat.

Feces and Corpses of Pigs Used for Food Could Cover North Carolina Post–Hurricane Florence

Hurricane Florence could cause North Carolina’s thousands of pig-feces cesspools to overflow—just another reason we should all go vegan.

Victory! New Zealand Bans Mulesing Mutilations of Sheep

After pressure from animal advocates, the country has passed a law banning one of the worst abuses endured by sheep in the wool industry.

PETA Calls Out Patagonia for Secrecy Around New Wool Source

PETA calls for truth and transparency after the brand’s supplier proves previous “humane,” “above and beyond” wool standard was a farce.

Adidas Bans Mohair, 50 Million Students Could Learn Empathy, and Other PETA Wins for August

PETA kept the heat on animal abusers everywhere in the last month of summer. Check out these huge victories PETA won for animals in August.

Animal Companions
PETA Sticks Up for Dogs and Cats With ‘Human Shaming’ Photos

Would we be so quick to shame our animals if they could call us out, too?

PETA Crashes Canada Goose–Sponsored Film Festival With a Film of Our Own

Canada Goose is sponsoring the Toronto International Film Festival. So PETA is showing organizers and attendees a film they’ll never forget.

In Memoriam: PETA Remembers Iris the Chimpanzee

Iris passed away at her beautiful Save the Chimps sanctuary home. But others still trapped at roadside zoos need our help, as she once did.

Photo by Save the Chimps
Video: Baby Whale’s Mutilated Tail Believed to Be Caused by ‘Ghost Nets’

Recent graphic footage of a whale calf swimming without a tail shows the devastating depths of our abandoned fishing net crisis.

Metro UK
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