After Millions of Animals Die in Florence, PETA Offers Escape Plan

More than 5,500 pigs and 4.1 million chickens and turkeys died during Hurricane Florence, many of them trapped inside filthy sheds.

Kelly Guerin | We Animals
Instagram Stories Receive Animal Rights Flair, Thanks to New PETA GIFs

Search “PETA” under the GIFs tab on your Instagram story to share your passion for animal liberation with all of your followers.

Video: PETA Saves Tangled Dolphin From Drowning in Crab Trap Line

The frantic call came in to the PETA office: A dolphin was entangled in a crab pot line, unable to get free and near drowning.

Tiger Collapses From Seizure Moments After Being Forced to Jump Through Fire

Moments after being forced to jump through fire, the animal collapsed and started convulsing— mere feet from the front row of the crowd.

Stranded Cat Spotted on Last Pass Through Flooded NC Town (Video)

After surviving Hurricane Florence flooding by finding refuge on a swamped porch, this cat is seeking a sunny future in a loving home.

PETA Co-Authors Medical Study, Ends Animal Use in 22 Surgical Programs

Twenty-two surgical programs around the world will no longer mutilate animals in trauma training, thanks to PETA’s donation of 119 simulators.

13 Grim Photos Reveal the Tragedy of Animals Abandoned in Hurricane Florence

Countless animals were left to fend for themselves, or worse, trapped inside barns and sheds with no chance of escaping rising floodwaters.

Jo-Anne McArthur | We Animals
Federal Judge Blocks Bear Hunt, Restores Legal Protection for Bears

A federal judge has ruled that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service was “arbitrary and capricious” in stripping bears of their protection.

© Anderson
Animal Companions
WATCH: PETA’s Team Saved These Animals From Hurricane Florence Floods

These powerful photos and videos show just some of the animals our Emergency Rescue Team saved. Find out how you can support our vital work.

Animal Companions
Cat Found With Leg ‘Hanging on by a Hair’ Is Latest Victim of TNR

“No animal needs to ever experience this,” says the woman who rescued a badly injured cat who was trapped, spayed, and dumped back on the streets.

© Marcie Garcia
Forget Hunting and Fishing Day—for Real Nature Fans, It’s Fish Amnesty Day

We could have fishless oceans by 2050. These animals don’t deserve extinction—they deserve preservation. So let’s celebrate Fish Amnesty Day.

More Woes for SeaWorld As Former VP Admits He Lied About ‘Blackfish’ Effect

Former VP Fred Jacobs admitted under oath that he had lied to the public when he said SeaWorld could “attribute no attendance impact at all” to “Blackfish.”

Photographer Wins Hunting Tag to Save Bears From Trophy Hunters

Wildlife photographer Tom Mangelsen was one of many advocates who entered Wyoming’s bear-hunting lottery to keep tags away from hunters.

Deadly Virus Sweeping Through Mice in Laboratories

A recently identified virus is making mice in laboratories sick—and is making the results of experiments on them even more worthless.

Iditarod Dog Handler’s Heartbreaking Dying Wish: PETA, Free the Dogs

A love of dogs led “River Mike” Cranford to become a “handler,” helping out at Iditarod mushers’ kennels. A love of dogs also made him quit.

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