Victory! Breuninger Drops Fur After Pressure From PETA Germany

By 2020, all Breuninger stores and the company’s online catalog will be completely fur-free. Learn more about this victory for animals.

Grocery Chain Hy-Vee Makes the Right Call, Ends ‘Humane Meat’ Claims

Hy-Vee did the right thing by agreeing not to mislead well-intentioned consumers with the “humane meat” myth. If you want to eat humanely, choose vegan.

PETA Germany, PETA U.S. Just Saved Pigs From Deadly Chest-Surgery Trainings

PETA Germany—with support from PETA U.S.—has persuaded a major German hospital to stop cutting pigs apart in deadly training exercises for surgeons.

America’s Dairy Problem Overflows: Farmers Forced to Dump Unwanted Milk

Sales are declining for the dairy industry, but farmers refuse to slow production. The U.S. is up to its eyeballs in dairy “products” no one wants.

Victory 11 Years in the Making: Coach Bans Fur

Coach’s chief executive says, “We’re doing it because we believe it’s the right thing to do.”

United Nations: We Can’t Halt Climate Change Without Cutting Out Meat

“[T]he evidence is now unequivocal—we need to change our diets if we are to have a sustainable future.”

A Pig Suffered and Died at a TAMU Lab—When Will the Abuse End?

Texas A&M can’t bring back the pig, dogs, or other animals it has tormented and killed, but it can prevent further suffering.

Elephant Polo Tournament Is History After PETA Asia Exposé

Following PETA Asia’s shocking exposé of the King’s Cup Elephant Polo Tournament in Thailand, the organizer is ending its operations there.

Victory! PETA Secures a Historic Win for Protected Cats

Tigers at Wildlife in Need were left bleeding and in pain from unnecessary, illegal amputations. Find out how PETA fought for these big cats—and won.

DOD Study Finds Human Simulators Work—Help End Trauma Drills on Animals

The new study reiterates what PETA has said for years—it’s irrational to mutilate and kill animals to train trauma medics.

Dying to Help Animals? PETA Releases New Decals for Coffins and Urns

Whether you’re setting up a cheeky Halloween display or preparing for your own demise, PETA’s coffin and urn stickers are to die for.

Viral Images of Elephant and Camel at Fair Stir Uproar— Here’s What to Do Next

The takeaway from the overwhelmingly negative backlash against The Big E fair is this: Inhumane spectacles face more opposition than ever before.

VIDEO: Animals Locked Up and Put on Display at a Shopping Mall

A monkey, a meerkat, and other animals are deprived of everything that’s natural and important to them, all so shoppers can stop and stare.

© The Save Movement | Nicole Levit
Snatched From the Jaws of Death, This Dog Is Ready for a Safe Haven

Trapped on a tether, Theodore could only watch helplessly as other animals were attacked and killed by another dog. Would he be next?

Victory! Baboon-Killing Fish and Game Commissioner Forced to Resign

As the Idaho Department of Fish and Game was bombarded with calls to fire Blake Fischer, the governor “asked for—and has received—the resignation.”

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