We Doubt This Cat Is Doing ‘Sit-ups’—There’s Something More Dangerous Happening

While people debate what this cat is actually doing (sit-ups, really?), many may not realize that the animal is in imminent danger.

PETA’s 2018 Company of the Year Made Boss Move by Banning Meat

Leave animal flesh and gristle out of the daily grind. PETA’s 2018 Company of the Year proves that any business can help save animals.

30 Years Ago, PETA Exposed Cosmetics Testing—Look How Much Has Changed

“Once you’ve been here a few days, you lose respect for all living things. Torturing animals is the name of the game.” —Biosearch employee

Video: Chained Dog Finally Gets to Know ‘the Love of Family’

Watch the touching moment when this formerly chained dog’s new guardian greets him at the door—and be sure to have a box of tissues handy.

PETA Exposes the Suffering of 10 Dogs Used by Hemopet

Sick, suffering, and stressed, the greyhounds imprisoned at Hemopet were forgotten by the world—but PETA wants you to know their stories.

Dead Whale Ingested Plastic Bottles, Bags, Flip-Flops, and 115 Cups

The whale had also ingested more than 7 pounds of plastic string, which may have been discarded fishing equipment.

© Gregorius Bhisma
Doctors’ Orders: 500 Physicians Call On TAMU to End Its Cruel Dog Lab

Five hundred physicians have joined PETA in urging Texas A&M University to stop its cruel muscular dystrophy experiments on dogs.

PETA Rescues Turkeys From Slaughterhouse Days Before Thanksgiving

These turkeys are on their way to sanctuaries where they’ll spend this Thanksgiving—and the rest of their lives—safe and sound.

The Presidential Turkey Pardon Is Fake News

Let’s clear up a misconception: Turkeys don’t need to be “pardoned.” They’re not serving five to 10 for armed robbery.

© iStock.com/ChrisBoswell
‘Tiger King’ Villain Jeff Lowe Is a Wanted Man in Las Vegas (Again)

Less than a month after feds seized 69 big cats from his ramshackle Tiger King Park (and less than a week after he was arrested on suspicion of DUI), Jeff Lowe is in more legal hot water.

© City of Las Vegas Marshal
Victory! First Amendment Protects PETA Protests at TAMU

After hearing from PETA’s attorney, Texas A&M University was forced to admit that it can’t pick and choose who has the right to free speech.

Here’s How PETA Put Nearly 300 Donated Fur Coats to Good Use

PETA can’t bring back the animals who were caged and electrocuted for their fur, but our fur coat donation program can still help those in desperate need.

Animal Companions
Horror Stories of Petco Betta Fish the Stores Don’t Want You to See

As these patrons found out the hard way, the employees and managers they asked to help the sick and dying fish completely failed them.

A Win for Animals! China Reinstates Ban on Rhino Horn and Tiger Bone

PETA Asia and animal advocates around the world will continue working to ensure that rhinoceroses and tigers are not killed for unproven ancient remedies.

© iStock.com/wrangel
How a PETA Contest Persuaded This Whole Family to Eat a Vegan Holiday Meal

What happens when a vegan takes charge of the family holiday feast? Everyone enjoys delicious food without harming a hair on an animal’s head

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