LSU Grad’s 100th Birthday Wish: Stop the Bird Experiments

The best thing you’ll see today: LSU alum Holly Reynolds uses her 100th birthday to try to save birds from cruel experiments.

Animal Companions
This Video Shows the Heartbreaking Reason Why You Should Never Give Animals as Gifts

By January, many of the animals given as gifts will already have joined the more than 6 million who enter shelters in the U.S. every year.

Max Is the FOURTH Elephant to Die in This Shoddy Roadside Zoo in 2018

Yet another elephant imprisoned at Grant’s Farm has died, marking the fourth such fatality at the roadside zoo this year.

Judge Orders Deer Trophy Hunter to Watch ‘Bambi’ Repeatedly in Jail

“While there are some cases where poachers go after the antlers for profit, with this bunch it was more about the thrill of the kill itself.”

Monkey Dies of Dehydration, Is Latest University of Washington Victim

This was pure negligence, something that the school seems to excel at.

Alicia Silverstone Starts 2019 Naked in Times Square

Alicia Silverstone will start off the new year naked in Times Square for PETA.

Let’s Talk About Merriam-Webster’s Word of the Year: ‘Justice’

We applaud Merriam-Webster for spotlighting the importance of justice. Eliminating speciesism and other prejudices is indeed vital. Here’s how you can help.

Firefighters Hear Screams As 1,200 Pigs Burn to Death in Barn Fire

These pigs didn’t have to die—they were trapped in a barn because humans still dine on animal flesh. But we can all do something about that.

PETA Exposes This Cage-Free ‘Chicken Disneyland’ as Hell for Hens

The only thing this egg farm has in common with Disneyland is the severe crowding. A PETA eyewitness video reveals that cage-free hens are still miserable.

PETA President Takes On the Elephant Slave Trade

“I heard the beatings before I saw them. There was the thwack of a heavy stick against elephant hide.”

New Jersey Becomes First State Ever to Ban Traveling Wild-Animal Acts

This victory follows years of efforts by PETA activists who were determined to save the elephant whose story sparked this fire—Nosey.

The Elephant Sanctuary
Here’s How PETA Helps Freezing Dogs Survive the Long, Harsh Winter

PETA’s fieldworkers have delivered over 300 doghouses this year, but the worst of winter is yet to come. Here’s how you can help.

5 Times You Probably Ate Animal Rectums and Didn’t Know It

Have you eaten an animal rectum recently? Read on to find out if your diet warrants its own Sir Mix-A-Lot song.

WATCH: Coyote Pups Are Left Motherless, Thanks to Canada Goose

In honor of #CanadaGooseKillsDay, we teamed up with actor Tara Strong to tell the story of a mother coyote killed for a Canada Goose jacket.

UPDATE: Pittsburgh Zoo Failed Baby Elephant and Her Mom, Reports Reveal

The Pittsburgh Zoo claims to have a “conservation center,” but this telling new report proves otherwise. Help us end the zoo’s archaic elephant program.

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